Other Resources

Guidance on finding housing

Written guidance on finding new housing

This English language resource shares information and guidance on finding new housing. 

Українською мовою доступний тут.

This map shows example rental costs in different parts of the country.

Private rental sector affordability guidance 

The following video shares information about private sector rental affordability for guests and hosts on the scheme in English.

To watch the video in a new tab please click here.

You can view the original presentation slides here.

Key links:

Homes for Ukraine - Housing information event (online) (2022-09-21 18:35 GMT+1)

Online housing options information event  (recorded Wednesday 21 September, 6:30pm)

We hosted an online event to discuss housing options  for guests which included a short presentation. You can watch the video recording here or click here to open in a new window. 

Becoming a rematch host in Hackney


Rematching is a process which allows Homes for Ukraine guests in Hackney to find new hosts when they are no longer able to stay with their original host. Read the government's guidance on rematching here.

If you become a rematch host, you will be eligible to receive 'thank you' payments like any other host: these are £350 per month for hosting guests who have been in the UK for up to 12 months, and £500 per month for guests during month 13 to month 24 in the UK. You will also be eligible for Hackney Council top-up payments after six months of hosting: read more about these payments here.

There is a demand for rematch hosts in the borough and we would encourage Hackney residents who are interested in taking part in the Homes for Ukraine scheme to consider becoming a rematch host for guests who have already arrived and who need a new home.

Host requirements

Rematch hosts to meet the same requirements as any other Homes for Ukraine hosts. Read more about these requirements and expectations here.

For new rematch hosts, we are obliged to complete all checks before a guest can move in. This means we will need to complete a housing check on your property and complete DBS checks for all members of your household before your guest can move in.

You do not need to be a new host to become a rematch host. If you have space to host additional guests, or wish to host more guests after your original arrangement ends, please do consider becoming a rematch host.

Things to consider

If you have not hosted before, we would strongly encourage you to read through our Homes for Ukraine: Information Pack to learn more about how the scheme works in Hackney. 

The following resources may also help you consider if becoming a Homes for Ukraine host is right for you:

Next steps

If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a rematch host, please email us on homesforukraine@hackney.gov.uk to start the process with a member of the Homes for Ukraine support team.  We will conduct the necessary checks and will reach out to you when a potential rematch opportunity arises: you will not be obliged to host any particular group and you and your potential guests will have opportunities to meet and find out more about each other before commiting to an arrangement.

Guest eligibility

The scheme allows all Homes for Ukraine guests to be hosted for up to 24 months, and so any guest can in principle find a new rematch host within that period. 

Guests may wish to look for their own rematch hosts independently, as unfortunately we cannot guarantee we will be able to find rematch hosts for all guests who are interested. They also may wish to approach the organisations listed on this page.

The Homes for Ukraine team in Hackney Council will prioritise the rematching process based on each group's needs and circumstances. When a guest's placement breaks down in the first six months we will always try to find guests a rematch host if they are interested in this. We are keen to recruit as many rematch hosts as possible to make rematching a more accessible option for Homes for Ukraine guests looking for new housing after their initial placements end. 

Help and Support for Ukrainian Refugees In The UK

This website has been put together by volunteers based in London who are involved in helping and actually hosting Ukrainian refugees.

It is based on commonly asked questions and topics of interest. Both hosts and guests may find the site relevant. There is detailed information on a lot of areas

Please note that Hackney Council has no control over the contents of the site or resources linked therein. 

 Get in touch

We can best help with enquiries over email: RMAS.Service@hackney.gov.uk or homesforukraine@hackney.gov.uk

If you would like to speak to a team member on the phone, please email us to arrange a call back.