Welcome Hackney Noticeboard



News and updates.

Explore events and opportunities in the local area.

Information pack

Key information about Welcome Hackney and local services and support. 


Further information and resources.



Nadiya Long-Term Housing Programme

Nadiya's Long-term Housing Programme provides interest-and-fee free loans to refugees. Their aim is to reduce the barriers that refugees face when trying to rent in the private sector. They can provide the following support:

Domestic Abuse Support

Domestic abuse, includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members. Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone. Find out how to recognise the signs and where to get help. You do not have to wait for an emergency situation to find help. If domestic abuse is happening to you, it's important to tell someone and remember you're not alone.

If you answered yes to any of these questions then there is help available for you.

You can contact the Hackney Domestic Abuse Team or ask someone else to contact them ( for example your doctor, housing officer or social worker) on 02083564458 or 02083564459 or dais@hackney.gov.uk

If you are in immediate danger, always call the police on 999.

If you want to speak to someone outside office hours:

XENIA – Workshops for women learning English

Xenia is a charity that brings together women from different backgrounds to connect, share experiences and learn. Specifically, they offer weekly sessions where women can come and practice their English. Xenia enables women with different English language levels to connect with people they would not otherwise meet and to learn about each other’s perspectives through shared learning and friendship.

Sessions are held every Saturday morning at 10am at Newington Green Meeting House. Sessions are led by a facilitator and focus on a variety of topics, anything from local politics to cooking. Sometimes, food is brought, and a variety of group activities are organised while practicing English. Children are welcome to come along with the women.

Menopause Advice and Support

The menopause is a natural stage of life which affects most women and other people who have a menstrual cycle. For those experiencing symptoms it can be a difficult and stressful time. Everyone will experience the menopause differently and for some, symptoms can be quite severe and can affect people both physically and mentally.

For advice, guidance and resources, click on the button below. 

Free English classes at Westminster Kingsway College 

The college is providing free in-person English classes with morning and afternoon options.

They are currently advertising drop-in assessment sessions on Monday to Friday (9am-5pm) at their their Regent's Park Centre (Longford Street, NW1 3HB). They ask people to bring a pen, their passport, their Biometric Residence Card (if you have one), and your last 3 months' payslips (if working) or your last Universal Credit statement -- this is to confirm your eligibility for the free classes.

To start an application online, click here.

If you're not sure what class is right for you, contact them here.

Free Tea Fridays

The Museum of the Home runs Free Tea Fridays every Friday from 1:30pm-3:30pm. A space for conversation, tea and snacks with other local residents, alongside light creative activities. No booking required. 

Hackney Opportunities newsletter

Hackney Opportunities have a newsletter which shares information about upcoming work, training, and employability opportunities. Sign up on this page and select 'Hackney Opportunities' from the 'Quick subscribe choices' menu.

Homes for Ukraine

Are you currently looking for housing? Would you be interested in finding others to share with?

Hackney Homes for Ukraine Форма пошуку співмешканця

Знайти житло в Лондоні може бути складно та дорого, особливо якщо ви намагаєтесь орендувати щось самостійно. Знайти житло може бути легше, якщо ви готові поділити житло з іншими людьми, але жити з незнайомцями також може бути непросто.

Ми створили форму "Знайти Співмешканця", яка має на меті допомогти вам знайти інших українців, що живуть у Hackney і шукають житло, щоб об'єднати спільні зусилля у вашому пошуку.

У  згаданій Формі вам буде запропоновано розповісти трохи про себе, ваші уподобання щодо житла та якого типу людину ви хотіли би мати співмешканцем.  

Після заповнення форми, ми створимо для вас профіль, і ви зможете переглядати профілі інших людей. Якщо ви знайдете когось, хто, на вашу думку, може бути хорошим потенційним співмешканцем (і він/вона також так думають), ми надамо вам контактні дані один одного*, і ви зможете домовитися про зустріч, щоб вирішити, чи ви зробили правильний вибір. 

Якщо вас зацікавила наша пропозиція, будь ласка, заповніть форму за цим посиланням:


*Ми попросимо вашу згоду перед тим, як поділитися вашими даними.

Hackney Homes for Ukraine Find a Housemate Form

Finding a home in London can be difficult and expensive, especially if you are trying to rent somewhere on your own. It can be easier to find somewhere if you are willing to share with other people but it can also be daunting to live with strangers. 

We have created a Find a Housemate form which aims to help you to find other Ukrainians living in Hackney that are looking for housing and join together in your search.

The form asks you to share a little bit about yourself, your housing preferences and what kind of person you would like to share with. 

Once you have completed the form, we will create a profile for you and you will be able to view other people's profiles. If you find someone who you think could be a good potential housemate (and they think so too), we will provide you with each other's contact details* and you can arrange to meet each other and decide if it is a good fit. 

If you are interested, please complete the form here:


*We will ask for your consent before sharing your details. 

Becoming a Resident Landlord (Current Hosts and Guests)

Hosts: If you have been sponsoring a guest(s) through the Homes for Ukraine scheme for more than 6 months, you may be considering what the next steps are for your guest to secure long-term accommodation. If you would like to continue to support your guest but would like a more formal arrangement, it may be possible to become a resident landlord and create a tenancy agreement between yourself and your guest(s). As a resident landlord, you can receive up to £7500 tax free rental income under the ‘Rent a Room’ scheme.

See https://www.gov.uk/rent-room-in-your-home for more details on how this process works.

Hackney Council would support you throughout the process and incentives may be available. Please see the flyers above for more information or get in touch with us to discuss further. 

Guests: If you are considering what your next steps are in terms of finding long-term accommodation, it may be worth discussing with your sponsor whether they would be willing to rent a room in their home to you, through a more formal agreement (tenancy agreement). Your Support Worker and the housing team at Hackney Council would support you through the process. If you are not currently working, your host would need to provide you with a written rental agreement for you to claim housing cost support from Universal Credit or Housing Benefit.

Banardo's Ukrainian Virtual Youth Space

The Ukrainian Virtual Youth Space is a safe place for young people (aged 10 – 17) from Ukraine to have fun, make friends and informally practice their English skills. Each session will involve playing games and chatting about different topics. Staff from the Refugee Family Helpline will lead the sessions, but there will also be interpreters available if young people need support with expressing themselves.

The Ukrainian Virtual Youth Space is held on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 18:00 – 19:00. Young people are welcome to drop in at a at time that suits them. If a young person wishes to join the session, they can register here.

Recruiting rematch hosts

We are keen to hear from Hackney residents who would be interested in becoming rematch hosts for Homes for Ukraine guests who can no longer stay in their original placements. 

Mentoring for Ukrainian women

SAYes matches women aged 18-29 with trained mentors for nine months to support personal development and independence. 

To find out more email carly.cowling@sayesmentoring.org

Council Tax Discount

If all members of your household received a Homes for Ukraine visa, then you qualify for a 50% reduction in the council tax bill when renting your own accommodation. See https://www.gov.uk/guidance/renting-private-accommodation-homes-for-ukraine

Your local council should be aware of this, but if they did not apply this discount to you, please write to their council tax department to request they apply it, backdated to April 2022, and refund any money owed.

A Facebook Ukrainian support group has prepared a document that you can adapt and send to your local council to tell them which legislation is applicable. 

Getting updates on visa applications

The Home Office manages all visa applications. You can contact them for an update by calling their Homes for Ukraine hotline: 0808 164 8810

The line is open Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm

Saturday and Sunday, 9am to 5:30pm

Calls are free of charge.

Information pack updated for 2024

We have significantly updated our information pack with updated information about the scheme as it stands in 2024, more details on our processes, and more information about support and resources that are available to hosts and guests.

Both the English language and Ukrainian language versions have been updated.

Guidance on finding new housing

We know that finding their next home is a priority for many guests on the Homes for Ukraine scheme, whether they are coming to the end of their time with their hosts or are newly arrived and looking to start planning for their next steps.

We have updated our new 'Other resources' page with further resources about private sector housing, including a video about private rental sector affordability (including benefits).

Support from the British Red Cross 

The British Red Cross are able to offer a wide range of support to Ukrainian refugees. Please see our 'Other resources' page for more information.

Bereavement support for families

Child Bereavement UK (CBUK) is an organisation supporting and helping families who are grieving. CBUK has three locations across London, in East, West and North London. They offer both in person well as virtual bereavement support. Their support is free, confidential and eligible for individuals, children, families and couples across the UK. They also offer bereavement support resources in Ukrainian. 

Refugees and People Seeking Asylum

The Sanctuary Refugee Support Course

From safeguarding to trauma and from cross-cultural communication to community integration, this course provides essential basic training for all those living, working or volunteering with refugees.

Afghan Schemes

Banardo's Afghan Virtual Youth Space

The Afghan Virtual Youth Space is a safe place for young people (aged 10 – 17) from Afghanistan to have fun, make friends and informally practice their English skills. Each session will involve playing games and chatting about different topics. Staff from the Refugee Family Helpline will lead the sessions, but there will also be interpreters available if young people need support with expressing themselves.


The Afghan Virtual Youth Space Sessions will take place on the first Monday of every month at 18:00 – 19:00. The first session will be on Monday 1st July. Young people are welcome to drop in at a at time that suits them. If a young person wishes to join the session, they can register here.

Want to share something? 

Submit a notice about a relevant event, information about support or a useful notice that you want to share with others. 

 Get in touch

We can best help with enquiries over email: RMAS.Service@hackney.gov.uk or homesforukraine@hackney.gov.uk

If you would like to speak to a team member on the phone, please email us to arrange a call back.