
Face-covering Updates

Effective March 30, 2022, face coverings are encouraged but not required on all HACC campuses. This change results from the falling number of COVID cases in our service region, as well as new CDC guidance for face coverings.

It is important to note that some off-campus clinical sites may still require face coverings. Additionally, students and employees are still required to wear face coverings on campus until March 30.

It is imperative that students and employees continue to self-screen (pdf) before coming to campus each day and report COVID-19 infections and symptoms through the COVID reporting form. This is very important because:

  • It will help the College track rates of infection and make informed decisions to protect our HACC community.

  • The College will revert to an earlier phase in our seven-phased plan if conditions worsen.

Students and employees who are sick or exhibiting COVID symptoms should remain home. Please follow the self-screening (pdf) document as well as the “What is the process to report sickness or COVID-19 exposure?” drop-down section of

Masks will continue to be available at building entrances, the bookstore and security offices for those who need or prefer to wear them.


  1. Note that no one has the authority to require another person to wear a face covering. Each person will make the decision regarding face coverings that is best for them. The College will refer to the student handbook and our SGPs on harassment, bullying and student disciplinary action to uphold this expectation.

  2. Ensure you are engaging in a respectful and civil manner with each other, as each person will have a different comfort level with face coverings. There may be a variety of reasons someone does or does not wear a face covering. Your decision is unique to you, but your kindness, empathy and understanding is incredibly important.

  3. Note that this information is tentative and subject to change

Compassion is at the heart of every little thing we do. It is the dearest quality we possess. Yet all too often it can be cast aside with consequences too tragic to speak of. To lose our compassion, we lose what it is to be human.” – Anonymous