Useful Contacts


Information and advice on a huge range of mental health topics

Mind InfoLine

Our team provides information on a range of topics including:

· types of mental health problems

· where to get help

· medication and alternative treatments

· advocacy.

We will look for details of help and support in your own area.

Contact us

Our lines are open 9am to 6pm, Monday to Friday (except for bank holidays).

0300 123 3393

Text: 86463

Newport Mind

Newport Mind is a mental health organisation based in the city of Newport (Casnewydd) in South Wales, UK. We are part of Local Mind Associations in England and Wales.

We work for the better mental health of people in Newport by providing a range of services, including self-management courses, activity groups, children and families services, housing and tenancy support, and counselling.

Making an appointment for yourself

For most of our support services, you don't need a referral - but you will need to make an appointment before attending your first session. To book an appointment, you can call 01633 258741, or contact us by email.

Making a referral for someone else

For some of our individual support services, such as tenancy support, a completed referral form is required. This would usually be completed by a medical professional or support worker.

If you wish to make a referral please Download Our Referral Form.

I require urgent help:

When you, or someone you know, is in crisis you may need help very quickly.

If the situation doesn't feel like an emergency, you may prefer to contact your GP during working hours, to contact Newport Mind to make an appointment, or to find some online resources.

If you are in immediate danger

In Wales, you can call NHS Direct Wales 24/7 on 0845 4647 to find out what immediate support is available near you.

If you are in extreme crisis, you think you might be at risk of seriously harming yourself or doing something which might harm someone else, you should go to your nearest hospital A&E Department and ask for help or call 999.

I need to talk to someone right now:

CALL Helpline: Community Advice & Listening Line

Call 0800 132 737

Text 81066


Available 24/7

The Samaritans: ‘Whatever you're going through, a Samaritan will face it with you. We're here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.’

Call 116 123 (calls are free)



Available 24/7

Childline: Here to help anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. You can talk about anything. Whether it’s something big or small, our trained counsellors are here to support you.

Call 0800 1111

Chat online at

Available 24/7

YoungMinds: We’re leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered, whatever the challenges.


For young people - Text the YoungMinds Crisis Messenger, for free 24/7 support across the UK if you are experiencing a mental health crisis.

Text YM to 85258 if you need urgent help

For parents and carers - Our Parents Helpline is available to offer advice to parents and carers worried about a child or young person under 25

Call 0808 802 5544

Available Mon-Fri from 9.30am to 4pm

Mindline Trans+ National Helpline: National helpline for people who identify as Trans, non-binary & their friends and families

Call 0300 330 5468

Lines open every Monday and Friday, 8pm-Midnight

Other sources of help

If you're looking for advice or specialist support for a particular issue, The Samaritans have put togethers list of organisations that may be able to help. Follow the link below: