Exam Overview
All information accessed at: https://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/HigherCourseSpecModernLanguages.pdf
Breakdown of Higher Mandarin Exam:
Paper 1: Reading and Directed Writing - 2 hours and 40 minutes - 50 marks
Component 1: Reading and Translation - 30 marks
Read one text relating to one of the following: society, learning, employability or culture
Answer comprehension questions and one general purpose question in English- 20 marks
Translate an underlined passage of text- 10 marks
Component 2: Directed Writing - 20 marks
Candidates choose one scenario from the two provided in the question paper. The two scenarios relate to the two contexts which are not sampled in reading or listening. Each scenario contains six bullet point.
Candidates produce 180–240 Chinese characters on their chosen scenarios , and must address the six related bullet points using detailed language and multiple tenses.
Paper 2: Listening - approx. 30 minutes - 20 marks
Monologue- played twice, candidates answer questions in English, 8 marks
Dialogue- played twice, candidates answer questions in English, 12 marks
Coursework: Assignment writing conducted during regular class time - 20 marks
Centres provide candidates with a choice of writing stimulus in English, which candidates may not see until the point of assessment.
Candidates write 280-330 characters on their chosen topic using detailed and complex language. Candidates should express or discuss different viewpoints, while demonstrating relevant content, ideas and opinions and, where applicable give reasons for their opinions. They should draw conclusions and demonstrate language resource (variety and range of structures) and accuracy.
Teachers provide feedback using a writing improvement code.
Candidates revise their work and submit a final draft, which will be marked externally by the SQA
Coursework: Performance Talking 30 marks
Candidates take part in a discussion with the teacher or lecturer using detailed and complex language on at least two different contexts
Candidates identify beforehand the contexts and related topic development for the discussion. They communicate these to the teacher or lecturer before taking part in the performance–talking.
The performance is marked internally but verified by the SQA