MYP News

MYP News 27th -3rd March.pptx

We have some exciting news to share! Mica, a Grade 5 student, has qualified for the international round of Codeavour Coding Championship. She has come up with a brilliant app that will help deaf people communicate during emergencies using a robot.

Mica's app is a game-changer in the field of communication for the deaf community. During emergencies such as natural disasters or accidents, it can be incredibly challenging for deaf people to communicate their needs to the people around them. Mica's app uses a robot that can translate sign language into text and speech, making it easier for deaf people to communicate their needs to emergency responders.

Mica's app is the result of months of hard work and dedication. 

Mica's app has the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of deaf people around the world. But to make her dream a reality, she needs your support. All she requires is likes on the Codeavour platform link, which is shared below and can be accessed through the QR code. By liking her project, you can help Mica get one step closer to realizing her dream of making the world a better place for deaf people.

We are incredibly proud of Mica's achievement and wish her all the best for the international round of the Codeavour Coding Championship.

 Let's show our support and help her win this prestigious competition.

To vote, press here or scan QR code in the photo.

Grade 10s have been busy preparing for their Personal Project Exhibition all day on Thursday. They exhibited characteristic of a true IB learner by being communicators, principled learners and above all being caring by helping out fellow students. Wishing them all the very best for their big day on Monday.