Faculty Resources

Faculty Q & A - Understanding Student Accommodations

What exactly is an accommodation?

An academic accommodation is defined as any alteration in the usual manner of teaching, demonstrating, or evaluating a course objective, that enables a qualified student with a disability to have an equal opportunity to participate in the educational experience.

How do you determine accommodations?

The particular accommodations that a student utilizes will depend upon their particular characteristics and needs, as well as the environment. Accommodations are developed from the individual student’s documentation that is provided to the Accessibility Resource Center. Two students with the same disability may qualify for and be eligible to receive different accommodations. Some students with disabilities need accommodations and some do not.

What accommodations are appropriate?

The Accessibility Resource Center grants accommodations to students with documented disabilities based on the recommendations of medical or mental health professionals and the needs of students. These accommodations should not compromise the essential elements or objectives of the course. 

Am I being fair to other students by granting one student an accommodation?

Appropriate accommodations do not compromise the essential elements of the course, nor do they weaken the academic standards or integrity of the course. Accommodations simply provide an alternative way of accomplishing the course requirements by eliminating or reducing disability-related barriers. The goal of accommodations is to provide a level playing field, not an unfair advantage.

When do I have to comply with a student’s request for accommodations?

The law provides the student with a disability the right to request accommodations from Guilford once he/she has provided the college with appropriate documentation. In some cases, the College may allow for temporary services while a student is in the process of obtaining documentation of his/her/their/xir disability. This documentation is kept by the Accessibility Resource, and is held in a confidential manner. Privacy laws protect students from having to disclose such information from most people, including faculty and staff. Faculty and staff should never ask a student’s disability status or require proof of medical-related absence from class. The Accessibility Resource Center staff ask students to discuss their accommodations with faculty and staff directly and to provide you with their Accommodations Plan once it is approved. When you are notified of the accommodation(s), you should honor them immediately.

What happens if I do not provide the formally requested accommodation?

The student can take legal action against you or the College. Denial of accommodations could be considered a violation of a student’s civil rights. Colleges and universities cannot discriminate against qualified people with disabilities in recruitment, admission, or treatment after admission. If you have concerns about a particular accommodation request you should discuss it with the Accessibility Resource Center.

What if I think a student is “faking” a disability?

The College has established policies and procedures for the documentation needed for each disability. It is the job of the Accessibility Resource Center to determine eligibility for accommodations. Faculty and staff members should not expect to see diagnostic information.

If I receive a student’s Accommodation Plan in the middle of the semester, am I obligated to provide accommodations?

Yes, accommodations are in effect once a student has established an Individual Accommodation Plan. In a college setting, it is the student’s responsibility for requesting and initiating all disability-related services and accommodations. If a student does not have an Accommodations Plan, please refer them to the Accessibility Resource Center. Accommodations begin when the Accommodations Plan is established and are not retroactive and only apply upon receipt.

How can I encourage the student to talk to me about a disability?

Each student has the right to determine when, and if to disclose the nature of a disability to faculty or staff. We know that communication is important and we encourage students to discuss their learning needs, as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Some students, especially those with non-visible disabilities, such as psychological or learning disabilities, may need time to feel comfortable to discuss their disability. Some students may never choose or need to discuss their disability.

I have a student with a disability who is behind in the assignments. This student has not done well on the exams. May I fail the student if she or he does not earn the required points to pass the class?

A student with a disability should be held to the same standards as any other student in the class. You may wish to contact the Accessibility Resource Center and discuss your concerns, and you would certainly want to talk to the student just as you would with any other student.

Can I provide accommodations to a student who does not present an Accommodation Plan?

If a student asks for an accommodation but you have not received an Accommodation Plan verifying eligibility for accommodations, it is strongly recommended that you ask the student to contact the Accessibility Resource Center. If a student asks you for an accommodation, and that specific accommodation is not listed in an approved Accommodations Plan, you are not obligated to provide it.

Do I have to provide accommodations listed on the Accommodation Plan if they do not fit with my philosophy or style?

Yes. Federal law requires that students who are registered with the Accessibility Services are entitled to the accommodations listed in the approved Accommodation Plan. Providing accommodations is a shared obligation of SCTCC faculty and staff. The accommodations should not compromise the essential elements or objectives of the course.

If I receive a student’s Accommodations Plan dated from a previous academic year, am I obligated to accept this?

Generally speaking, yes. It is rare that a student’s disability changes over time which would lead to different accommodations. However, students are asked to update/request new Accommodations Plans from Accessibility Services every academic year. Please advise the student to contact Accessibility Services to update/request a new Accommodations Plans if needed.

How can test accommodations be arranged in the classroom?

There are advantages for students to take the exams with the rest of the class or within the department. If only extended time is required, students can either come before or stay after the rest of the students. If that is not possible, you can arrange to have the exam administered online, in your office or a separate room, or in the ARC testing center (not proctored). Please be mindful of the confidentiality of students when making arrangements.

Does extra time for exams apply to take-home or online exams?

Yes. Extended time on take-home exams should be agreed upon by the student and instructor when the take-home exam is given, and the Accessibility Resource Center recommends that the extension be put in writing. For online exams, the amount of time given to take the exam can and should be adjusted by the instructor according to the extended time described on the student’s Accommodation Plan.

Can I give pop quizzes if I have students who have approved accommodations?

Yes. However, please know that this may involve coordinating the exam with the student or staff in the Accessibility Resource Center. We ask that you administer pop quizzes at the beginning or end of class periods to help maintain confidentiality of the student.

How do I plan for accommodations of students with disabilities on field trips, practicums and internships?

Students should be made aware of upcoming field trips, practicums, and internships with enough notice to arrange accommodations. The accommodations to be made will depend on the job requirements, destinations, and the disabilities involved. We advise faculty and staff to contact the Accessibility Resource Center as soon as field trips, practicums and internships are established.

How do I better understand accommodations?

Look through our accommodation glossary here. This explains the rights and responsibilities for faculty, students, and the ARC for each accommodation. 

Accommodation Information

What is Universal Design and how can I use it?

Universal Design "is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design".  For more information and resources, please visit http://udlguidelines.cast.org/