Ms. Becca Flis

Education & Degrees:

BFA w/ minors in Art Education and Art History from Alfred University (2014)

MFA in Sculpture from SUNY Albany (2018)

Areas of expertise:

3D media (sculpture, metal foundry, casting, ceramics, non-traditional materials), 2D media (charcoal, graphite, acrylic paint, oil paint, watercolor, mixed media)

Favorite artist: Janine Antoni

Fascinating fact: I have an uncanny ability to pull handles.

Title: Sugar Glass

Medium: Cast sugar, marble slab, constructed wood base

Title: Come And Get 'Em While They're Hot!

Medium: Single cast iron object, my grandmother's pot holder.

Title: Dad's Thunderbird

Medium: Watercolor on paper

Title: Cousin House Portrait

Medium: Charcoal on paper

Title: Relics From The Year 2020

Medium: Cast iron, pieces of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

Title: Ironscapes

Medium: Cast iron, crushed red stone, steel perimeter