Antonio Gramsci

"Man is above all else mind, consciousness — that is, he is a product of history, not of nature."


Life Period: 1891 - 1937

Born in 1891, Antonio Gramsci began working at the age of 12 in the local tax office. It would be around 1905 when Gramsci would be exposed to Socialist ideas, as his elder brother, who was serving in the military at the time, would send him Avanti! magazines (a news platform for the Italian Socialist Party). From the ages of 17 to 20, Gramsci would become more active in Sardinian regionalist politics, which is when he first reads Marx's writing. By 1913, he becomes directly involved with the Italian Socialist Party (PSI) and begins working full-time for both Avanti! and Il Grido del Popolo. He would then branch out and found his own newspaper called L'Ordine Nuovo in 1921. He would then spend two years in the Soviet Union, to then come back and be elected leader of the Italian Socialist Party (PSI). He would then be imprisoned in 1926 following the outlawing of his party by Benito Mussolini, who only supported fascist organizations. In his jail cell is where most of his writings were created and published. He would later die not long after being released from prison in 1937.

Analysis of The Antonio Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings, 1916-1935

Communism 1919-24

Hegemony, Relations of Force, Historical Bloc

Fascist Reaction and Communist Strategy 1924-1926

Annotations on The Legacy of Antonio Gramsci, Joseph A. Buttigieg

The Legacy of Antonio Gramsci.pdf

Analysis of The Revolution Against 'Capital'