Cardinal Success 

Carinal Success is offered Wednesday Mornings between 8am and 9am during our late start time. Be sure to check the Career Center Google Classroom (code: xyvlhvd) for a calendar of events. This is an opportunity for both students and parents to come and hear presentations from colleges, universities, community and vocational programs. Students will have access to computers to complete their applications along with asking questions to the representatives from higher educational institutions to ensure accuracy and submission by deadline dates. This is an open forum and the representatives along with all counselors and career specialist are available to assist students in completing their applications and providing necessary supplemental documentation. 

Please click on the link below to see who will be attending Wednesday mornings. You will also so who will be out at the lunch times for our lunch visits to meet with and get information. Check the times to see if they will be here in the morning or at lunch time. 

GHS Career Center Website