MVHS Monarchs

Associated Student Body (ASB)


This is the official website for the Monte Vista High School Associated Student Body. Please access any of the additional tabs for information on various School Involvements (i.e. clubs and joining ASB) and for the Newscast!

For any questions, comments, concerns, or communication needs, please email the ASB Advisor Mr. Sarao through his email

What is ASB?

ASB (or the Associated Student Body) is an organization that exists on every school campus in California. The Monte Vista ASB is the governing body of students that oversees aspects of school life, including, but not limited to: organizing campus communication, regulating finances in regards to student activities, developing events, cultivating school spirit, and growing our sense of identity as Monarchs. The ASB Program is a Leadership program where students from all walks of campus life learn about themselves, their role with others, and what it takes to be a leader within their community.