Effects on Smoking and Vaping


Cigarettes are just as addictive as vaping because both contain nicotine. Not only do these cigarettes contain nicotine, they contain many chemical that are going into your body when you smoke a cigarette or vape. As we see in this picture the risks from smoking can damage your entire body. The most common cancer that people get from smoking is lung cancer but there are 16 different cancers that are caused by smoking. Every time a person inhales the smoke from a cigarette they are inhaling chemicals that go to there lungs and then can spread to other parts of the body.


When a person inhales (vapes) they are putting negative pressure on the device that triggers a battery to heat the liquid solution. In 2019, Researchers found that vaping has an increased risk of heart attacks, heart disease, and strokes. Vaping contains nicotine which is very addictive. Especially for teens, by vaping it can cause and addiction that can slow down brain development, affect memory, self control, and moods. Vaping is not only bad for the brain but is also bad for the lungs because vapes contain very dangerous chemicals such as acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde that can cause cardiovascular and lung disease.

Non-Smoker vs Smoker

Non-smokers will have healthy lungs because they haven't irritated their lungs by smoking. What smoking does to the lungs is it inflames and irritates them. Smoking can destroy lung tissue and your lungs. It will then decrease the amount of blood vessels and air space in the lungs. The smokers lungs turns black when the tar from the cigarette smoke builds up inside of the lungs. Over time the more a person smokes, the more their lungs will turn from the healthy pink color to the dark smokey black. When you smoke, tar will line the lungs and colors them black and damages the cilia (work to keep airways clear of mucus and dirt).

Can lungs recover after smoking of vaping?

Surprisingly your lungs can recover from quitting the addiction of smoking or vaping. The inflammation is the airway of the lungs will start to go down and the cilia will begin to work again. Lung improvements can begin after 2 weeks to 3 months of quitting and the cilia in your lungs take 1-9 months to repair.