ENS Swim Unit

Record & Upload Video

When required to record yourself, here is how you can use your Chromebook.

STEP 1: On your Chromebook, click on the icon to open Chromebook apps and select Camera.

STEP 2: After the Camera app opens, click on Video and then the record button. 

STEP 3: When you are done recording, click again on the record button to stop the recording.

STEP 4: On your Chromebook, click on the icon to open Chromebook apps and select Files.

STEP 5: After the Files app opens, look in the left column. Expand Google Drive and My Drive so your shared ENS folder shows in. 

STEP 6: Now, in the left column, click on Camera (under My files). 

STEP 7: Locate your video file and drag it into your shared ENS folder. 


It may be helpful to rename video files so that you can tell them apart. To do this...

Hold the Ctrl key and click on the video file to open a menu of options. Select Rename from the menu.


STEP 1: Click on the 3 dots next to the video file in your Google Drive (which should be in your shared ENS folder).

STEP 2: Select Share >> Copy link

STEP 3: Paste the copied link into your assignment where prompted.