
Please Join Us!

Membership is $10 per person. Don't forget to get a membership for your student/s too!

Keep in mind, your membership does NOT require you to volunteer or attend meetings. Your membership is simply a way to support the PTSA and its programs. However, if you would like to volunteer or attend meetings -contact us at

Easy to Join!

There are easy ways to join El Cap PTSA:

  1. Our online membership database Totem ($1 service fee) - TOTEM

  2. Use the QR code to the right of this page or button at the bottom (via Totem)

  3. Via cash or check (payable to El Capitan PTSA) in a sealed envelope dropped off in the PTSA mailbox in the El Cap office or mailed to the school - El Capitan High School, Attn. PTSA, 10410 Ashwood St., Lakeside, CA, 92040.

  4. Via Paypal below (with a small per person service fee)

Where does my $10 go?

Of the $10 fee:

$2.25 goes to the National PTA

$2.00 goes to the California State PTA

$1.00 goes to the Ninth District (San Diego area)

.25 cents goes to the Foothill Council (Grossmont District)

$4.50 goes to the El Capitan PTSA to support:

  • Senior Scholarships

  • Safe Grad Night Activities

  • Teacher Supply Day

  • Hospitality at School Events such as Freshman BBQ and Teacher Back to School Breakfast

  • School Improvements

  • Parent Education Workshops

  • Senior, Junior, Sophomore and Freshman booster parent support

For questions/concerns -

Use this QR code to join El Cap PTSA