Parent & Caregiver Resources

Parent seminars you can use.

Germantown Youth Futures Parent Chats provide information relevant to parents and caregivers of teens on a variety of topics ranging from relationships to the impact of drugs and alcohol on teenage brain development. Our team works with area professionals and organizations to feature topics requested by parents in the area just like you. These resources are recorded and shared for those unable to join us and for future reference including the most recent presentations shared below.

Skills Employers are Looking for in Teens

Our most recent Parent Chat features Elliot Lawrence, Washington Co. 4-H Educator and Ron Jakubisin – Positive Youth Development Educator for UW/Madison/Div. of Extension for Washington Co. on skills employers look for when hiring teens. This Parent Chat covers:

‘Soft skills’ employers are looking for in the teen workforce:

A Student’s Digital Footprint

Teen Substance Use: Cause of Symptom?

Another recent Parent Chat features a presentation by Mikaeka Becker,MPH,PS, a licensed Substance Use Prevention Specialist in the state of Wisconsin on the mental health and substance use.

One in five teens experience a mental health disorder, and 30-45% of those teens also begin to use substances like alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. In addition, youth who use substances before their brain has fully developed are also more likely to experience a mental health disorder in the future. Learn how to prevent and/or quickly address mental health challenges in your teen, how to identify symptoms of co-occurring mental health and substance use challenges, and how to seek out support and treatment for your youth if they are struggling with their mental health or with substance use.

Helpful Links:

Real Talks