Other Benefits of Gamification and Entrepreneurship

Critical Challenge Question

Will young adults be more connected with their Coaches and stay motivated and engaged in a program

if game-based learning (such as a DER) is used?

Aside from motivation and engagement, there are many other positive impacts that gamification and game-based learning can have on adult learners and young adults in entrepreneurial environments.

Youth Entrepreneurship and Problem-Solving - The social aspect of gamification helps students gain necessary skills and learn how to tackle everyday obstacles on their entrepreneurial pathways (Grivokostopoulou et al. 2019). Students were able to build confidence in themselves because of the safe and immersive atmosphere to work with their peers to solve problems in a gamified way (Grivokostopoulou et al. 2019).

Entrepreneurship within an Organization - Even though there are more studies being done on gamification, not many research the use of gamification tools on innovation within a company or entrepreneur initiatives (Patricio 2017). Using gamified methods and tools enhances the quality of an idea that is being developed because of using critical thinking, creative thinking and collaboration (Patricio 2017). Game-based learning activities also modelled real challenges that can be found in business environments (Grivokostopoulou et al. 2019). “Good Gamification” should generate diverse game dynamics, such as rewards, competition, altruism, and self-expression in a way that helps people to satisfy their psychological needs (Suh et al 2016). Not only that, but a gamified approach to learning is highly recommendable to reduce the stress levels amongst the working professionals (Prasad and Mangipudi 2021). A player's motivation is a key determinant of psychological engagement and is directly related to behavioral engagement (Seiffert-Brockmann et al 2018).