Conclusion: Answering the Critical Challenge Question

Critical Challenge Question

Will young adults be more connected with their Coaches and stay motivated and engaged in a program

if game-based learning (such as a DER) is used?

After making observations and receiving feedback from the Digital Escape Room we created, participants show engagement and motivation when completing the DER in class. It is evident that using game-based learning experiences for the participants in the REBEL entrepreneur program made a positive impact.

However, using a DER as a form of game-based learning without providing context for the participants was not engaging or motivating. Each participant has other commitments of higher priority, so attending an optional DER after the program was done did not provide enough value. Now that some participants have experienced the Digital Escape Room, we expect that they will be more willing to engage in future game-based learning opportunities (as some have indicated).

The largest aspect of our CCQ was to test whether participants would stay in touch with their Coaches more frequently if game-based learning is used. The gamified experience of the DER did motivate participants to stay in touch with their Coaches and other classmates in class but not so much after completing the REBEL Entrepreneur program. At this point, we cannot say with any degree of certainty that participants are more engaged and motivated with game-based learning after program end; however, our observations show that there was enjoyment and positive feedback while in the program and overall. More trials with game-based learning are required with this age group in the future.