News from the Park
Parent Newsletter 15 21.12.2023
The final week of this term has been so much fun.
We started the week with Year 1's superb Christmas concert. They performed brilliantly and brought such festive cheer and happiness to all - a huge well done to Year 1 and the Year 1 team.
Year 5 sang their Christmas carols to Key Stage 2. Once again, their singing was beautiful and heartfelt. Well done Year 5 and thank you to the staff team who enabled this performance to happen.
Towards the end of the week, we enjoyed the pantomime 'Cinderella' and 'Brunswick's Got Talent'. It was wonderful to see the children thoroughly enjoying themselves. We have so much talent at Brunswick: well done to all the children who auditioned or performed. It was brilliant for the whole school to get together and enjoy these events to celebrate the end of an excellent term.
Now the end of term is here and a new year is almost upon us, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our children for their excellent effort and achievements, thank our incredible staff for their non-stop hard work and dedication, and thank our Brunswick Park families for their continued support.
From everyone at Brunswick Park, we wish you a wonderful, restful holiday and a happy New Year.
We look forward to welcoming you back to Brunswick Park on Monday 8th January 2024.
Elf workshop video
Parents and children can watch the video as many times as they want.
The link is and the password is 1234
As a result of many of you purchasing a Xmas4School design, the PTA has raised £129. Thank you for those who took part.
And finally
PTA social media
The PTA are excited to share with you their new Instagram account. Please follow our page for more PTA news in 2024. Link below.
Thank you
A massive thank you to Amelia's mum (1BW) for donating a Santa hat for every child in the school.
Thank you.
Dates for the Diary
Monday 8th January 2024- Back to school 8.50am
Attendance and Punctuality
Congratulations to 4C who achieved 97.95% attendance last week. The classes with the best punctuality goes to 1EB and 3A. Well done.