Learning Centres Service Level Agreement

Learning Centres Service Level Agreement

Release Date October 2018

Review Date August 2019

Document Purpose:

Reference of the service area and key priorities linked to strategic policy and values of the West London Way

Strategic Objectives:

1 Creating an Outstanding Learner Experience

2 Effective Strategic Partnership

3 Innovation & Creativity for greater effectiveness in learning

4 Sustaining financial stability

5 Workforce development

6 Future proofing and growing market share

Excellence: Relentless drive for excellence in all that we do in the learning centres.

Ambitious: Supporting innovation and creativity, and seeking opportunities to enhance all aspects of the learning centre as it relates to the college business.

Focus: We are professional and purposeful, working towards our shared strategic goals ensuring we contribute to the wider social and economic environment.

Accountability: Taking personal responsibility for finding solutions to any issues that may arise relating to the learning centre.

Inclusion: We are open, welcoming and supportive. Our commitment to equality and diversity underpins everything we do in the learning centres.

Integrity: We work to uphold our values in the learning centres’ planning and decision making, our support for teaching and learning, our actions and relationships with all learners and other departments.. We aim to be fair, open, honest and accountable to the communities we serve and to treat all with respect.

Associated documents/policies for this area:

  • Acceptable IT Use Agreement and e-Safety
  • Complaints & Compliments
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Equality & Diversity Policy
  • English and Maths Strategy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Inclusive Learning Policy
  • Learner Disciplinary Policy
  • Safeguarding Policy


This agreement sets out to outline:

1. The services we provide both to learners and staff

2. The overall standards we aim to achieve in the provision of our service

3. Agreed benchmarking for service delivery

4. A mechanism for resolving any problems relating to delivery of these services

Future reviews and amendments to this Service Level Agreement:

The agreement will be reviewed annually as part of the annual self-assessment and quality improvement meetings and reviewed with service users.

Objectives of the service:

We aim to support the teaching, learning and research needs of West London College students and staff by:

1. Offering learning centre inductions to staff and all students (full, part time and evening) and the induction resources will also be available on the websites.

2. Enabling access to a wide range of traditional and e-resources to support teaching and learning; and actively promote the adoption of e resources.

3. Promoting reading and support Literacy strategies.

4. Providing help, support and expert advice in the use of information resources.

5. Facilitating a conducive study environment.

6. Enabling staff to use a range of resources to available via LRC to promote engaging e-learning strategies in their classroom practice, such as Click View

7. Coordinating and delivering Digital Literacy Skills to contribute to learner independence in study skills development.

8. Coordinating events and displays which promote equality, diversity, safeguarding and college values across the college community.

9. Providing a selection of stationery for sale to students and staff.

10. Working closely with curriculum and student services to identify and promote resources for learners who are eligible for free books and equipment.

11. Work closely with English and Maths curriculum to raise learners’ awareness and self confidence in these essential skills.

12. Supporting curriculum with the completion of surveys, mandatory online training and tutorial units.

13. To maintain and develop and promote the academic enhancement programme for HE students.

Description of key services, levels and standards:

● Timely response (maximum of 2 hours) to enquiries depending on mode of contact.

● Generate and share accurate monthly usage statistics - users and resources.

● The learning centre e-services (website, catalogue and e-resources) will be accessible online, on and off-site online 24/7.

● Books that are returned by users will be processed and re-shelved within 2 hours.

● To record participation of learners in activities and events.

● Regular attendance to curriculum meetings and regular curriculum communication to enhance cooperation and timely notifications of new resources.

● To provide an excellent customer service via student/staff approval and feedback.

● Coordinating the Reading Ahead Challenge to exceed previous sign up numbers and completion

● Provide staff training on ‘click view’ as a teaching and learning resource

What we need from Service Users

We require learners to:

● Abide by the learning centre guidelines and rules.

● Treat staff with courtesy and respect.

● Comply with the IT Acceptable Use agreement and e-safety rules.

● To give regular feedback on the service.

We request academic staff to:

● Provide reading lists to the Learning Centre Manager/Librarian at least 1 month before the start of a course or module – this is to ensure that items can be made available to students prior to the start of the course

● Book induction and any training sessions via the online booking system, providing at least 48 hours notice.

● All LRC facilities need to be booked in advance.

● Classes to be monitored by curriculum staff.

Monitoring Success:

The Learning Resources Department will monitor its performance in the following ways:

· An annual self-assessment report on performance against the standards listed in this Service Level Agreement

· Performance against Key Performance Indicators will be monitored and reviewed regularly.

· Internal reviews on departments will be read for feedback on the Learning Centres performance in relation to that department

· Feedback from comment and feedback forms will be monitored by staff and management.

. Regular attendance at team meetings for feedback.

. Peer reviews, 1 to 1/ appraisals, focus groups, “you said, we did” campaign, usage reports.

Complaints and Compliments:

Staff need to encourage users to give feedback via the quality website feedback system.

Any complaints will be taken seriously and investigated via the College Complaints procedure. A n initial response will be sent the person/s making the complaint within 3 working days and the person/s will be updated throughout the investigation. All outcomes will be reported via Quality Team in line with College Complaints and Compliments Procedures.

Key Performance Indicators (monitored via QIP and regular performance reviews):

1. 98% of responses to be reviewed within 2 working days with expected completion date

2. Increase the use of e resources by 20% (EBC, Dawson Era, E journals with reports broken down by curriculum area )

3. Maintain 100% online accessibility capacity in year maintained

4. To ensure all courses receive an induction and introduction to e resources.

5. To run termly college wide events promoting equality, diversity, safeguarding and student wellbeing.

6. To attend at least one curriculum team meeting per term in year and support CPD activity around e-learning enhancement in year (Click View training)

7. Internal Survey Results have approval rating above 90% good or better in year with 75% rated as excellent

8. To increase the number of students participating and completion in Reading Ahead by 20% in 2018-19

9. Team not to exceed college sickness target (2.3%) and keep within agreed budget in year

10. To support the college learner survey participation response target of 85% raising the profile and encouraging learner participation via on screen prompts and ondesk publicity material on QDP Surveys.

11. To achieve above 90% positive response rate on the quality of the LRC/libraries in the autumn Learner Voice QDP survey and to maintain internal feedback data for CoLRiC standards

12. To run one Academic Enhancement Session for each HE and Access course in year by end of autumn term; and additional sessions by request in year