Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Am I allowed to write in the library books?

A. No, writing is not permitted in any of the library books, if you need to underline or make any comments photocopy the page and make your comments there.  Please note due to copyright laws only a small percentage of each book can be photocopied.

Q: I need to access Turnitin to submit my work, can you help me?
A. Yes. To login to TurnitinUK to submit your work/assignment click here. You can use your Google email account to login.  You will also need to join by (clicking the enroll in a class button) and type the  Class ID and the Enrolment key, which was given to you by your tutor.  If your tutor has added you as a learner in the class, then you won't need the enrolment key and class ID. Use the 'Submit; button to submit your work/assignment to the tutor/instructor.

Q: What is Turnitin Draft Coach?

A: Turnitin Draft Coach is an add-on (software extension) that has been added to Google Doc to allow learners and staff to check their work/assignment for similarity, grammar and to improve citation before submitting their work to their tutor/instructor.  To check your work, in your Google Doc click Add-ons on the menu bar, from the drop-down menu select Turnitin Draft Coach, and select Turnitin Draft Coach to start checking your document. Follow instructions to the end of each section. If you need additional help on how to use Draft Coach click here

Q: Does the library still deliver inductions to learners?

A: Yes.  We deliver both in the library and online, the online induction is available for learners and staff to view and listen.  To access the induction click here for the full online library induction. To book an induction (Staff only) in the library contact the library accounts  on the following emails for Hammersmith, for Ealing and for Southall. Please provide the following information, the course title, course code and the number of learners who will be attending.

Q: Who can borrow from the Learning Centre?

A: All students and staff are welcome to borrow from the Learning Centre at any campus. We can even arrange for items to be sent to a specific campus so you can collect them at a convenient time. All you need is your ID card!

Q: If I am having problems accessing my college email account what should I do?

A: Please contact the IT Support department or using your own personal email address send an email to the following address: and explain the problem you are experiencing.  If possible take an image of the problem and attach to your request.  Note: Contact IT Support also if you are unable to access the other Google apps with your college Google mail account, such as Google Classroom or Google Drive.

Q: I am not able to login with my data number and password, what should I do?

A: If the system says that your account is locked, then you (a student) will have to wait for 15 minutes and staff 30 minutes before being allowed to login. If you are in a hurry you will have to visit the IT department to resolve this issue.  If the system says that your account is disabled, then you will need to visit the IT department in person to resolve this issue.

Q: Is my password for the network the same as for the Google apps?
A: Yes. The password for both systems should be the same.  When you reset your password for the networked computers, your Google password will be set with the same password. 

Q. Do I have an email account set up at the college?
A: Yes. New learners have email addresses in the following format: for example, and existing learners,, for example,  In some cases, there may be a digit or two after your surname.

Q: Can I search for the item(s) on the bookshelves myself?

A: Yes.  You are welcome to visit the library and search our bookshelves for the item(s) you require.  

Q: Do you have any electronic books on your system ?

A: Yes. We do have a selection of ebooks on our library system and also on external platforms such as Ebook Central, Sage for our learners and staff to use.  These item(s) can be read online or downloaded for later use.

Q: Do you sell any stationery?

A: Yes. We do sell a selection of stationery such as pens, pencils, rubbers, notepads etc. For a list of stationery and prices click here

Q: What can I borrow?

A: There is a huge range of items you can borrow from us, including books both fiction and non-fiction.  Most items can be borrowed for three weeks, and some for one week. A due date will be stamped on the inside of each item so you know when to return it by.

Q: How many items can I borrow in total?

A: CELTA learners can borrow 4 items, LLDD learners can borrow 2 items and other students and staff  5 items in total.

Q: How can I renew my item(s) borrowed?

A: To renew your item, you can use the telephone number provided beneath the front page of the book and call the Learning Centre and ask them to renew your item. 

Renew Online: To renew your item(s) borrowed click renew and type in your Reader code (ID number) and click the  Login button.  A list of your items will be displayed.  Check (tick) each box for the item(s) you wish to renew and click the Renew button and logout once you have completed. You can renew your item(s) twice.  Unfortunately, you cannot renew items by e-mail and you must renew items before they are overdue.

Q: My item is due back, but I want to keep it longer. Can I?

A: Yes, You can do this by asking staff at any of our Learning Centres, phoning us (our contact details are in the footer of every page of our site and inside every book we lend) or by logging into the catalogue here.   If you are not able to renew the item, please call us on the telephone number provided at the bottom of this page.  In some cases you may need to return the item(s) back to the college and if not reserved by anyone we may issue the item(s) back to you.

Q:  Why must I pay fines?

A: You need to be responsible  for returning your borrowed items on time.  If you return your borrowed item(s) late you will be charged a fine for each day it is late..  For 7-day item(s) you pay 20p per item.  For 3 Week item(s) you pay 10p per item.

Q: Why does the book I want say “Not to be Taken Away” on it?

A: Some books are so popular that we keep a backup copy that does not leave the Learning Centre, so everyone has a chance to use it. These will have a red label and a sticker reading “Not to be Taken Away”. Although you cannot take these books home, you can photocopy a small percentage from them and/or use them while in the Learning Centre.

Q: There’s a long queue and I only want to do something small. What can I do?

A: There’s a lot you can do without our direct help. Click for:

You can also return books by using the book deposit box outside the Learning Centre (or in reception if you’re at Ealing or Southall).

Q: Why can’t I eat or drink in the Learning Centre?

A: We realise that this can be annoying, but we have important reasons for not allowing food and drink (except water). Firstly, it is very unsanitary to eat and type at the same time (did you know that you can find more bacteria on a shared computer’s keyboard than on a toilet seat?!).

Even if you are very careful with your food or drink, there is a risk of it ending up on our books or computers by accident. An accident like this often means we need to replace or repair our item, and that can get very expensive. You have a lovely canteen and common room, please use these instead!

Q: Can I scan a document to my email or to a memory stick?

A: Yes. Ask a member of staff to assist you. Scanning is free for all students and staff.  Scanning to a memory stick is not available at present at the Ealing and Southall Campus, but will be soon. You will be able to scan in the following file formats, PDF, JPEG, TIFF and XPS.

Q:  Can I print a document from my memory stick?

A: Yes.  You will have to top-up first.  You can print the following type of files. JPEG, PDF and TIFF.  

Printing on A4 in Black on white is 5p.
Printing on A3 in Black on white is 10p. 
Printing on A4 in colour is 15p.
Printing on A3 in colour is 30p.

Printing from a memory stick is not available at the Ealing and Southall Campus at present but will be soon.

Note: Check that you do not have any blank pages at the end of your document before printing, if you do print any blank pages the system will charge you for it.

Q:  Can I print a document from my email?

A: Yes,  You will have to top-up first. You can print the email or download the attached document first and then print it.  You can print in the following file formats: .DOCX, .XLS, .PPT, .PUB, PDF and Google apps such as DOC, Sheet and Slide. 

Q: What’s going on in that really quiet room?

A: You must be referring to the Silent Study room. A number of students have told us that it’s hard to concentrate when there is noise around them (even just a little bit), and not everybody has a quiet place at home where they can work. Because of that, we keep this space absolutely silent. Please respect this, or you may be asked to leave.

Q: I am working in a group - can we work in the Learning Centre?

A: Yes. There are group areas in the Learning Centre to use throughout the day.  The IT Open Access is available for staff to book 24 hours in advance. We are happy for you to use this space, but we will expect you to be respectful by being reasonably quiet and not distracting or disturbing others who are also here to work.

Please do not confuse the Learning Centre with the common room or the canteen: we are not here to provide a space for you to gossip!

Q: Can I use my laptop in the Learning Centre?
A: Yes, we have special areas (marked with a sign) where you can plug-in and use your laptop. Please do not unplug the LRC computers as this can cause accidents.

Q: How do I connect to the College Wi-Fi network?
A: Click here for more information. If you have any issues with connecting whilst at the college, visit the library or the IT Services department.

Q: I am not able to connect to the Wi-Fi on my device, I need your help.
A: Some devices such as the iPhones are a bit fiddly when connecting to the Wi-fi.  If you have any issues visit the IT department.

Q: I forgot to save my work, or I saved it in My Documents, and then I logged off. Can I get it back?
A:  Yes, It is very likely that you saved the document in the document's folder, on the computer.  To retrieve the file you will have to return to the computer and save upload the file to your Google drive, or save to a Memory stick.  We recommend using Google Docs when you start an assignment as it saves automatically.

Q: What software do the Learning Centre computers have installed?

A: All sorts! We have standard software packages like Microsoft Office, but specialist programmes as well, including: