Math Job Alike

Thank you for attending!

We appreciate your engagement on this day, even with the snow, we made it happen!

Please click here to see the notes from the day. Let's continue to collaborate and share! #pypean

Friday, February 15th

9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Are you grappling with ways of teaching and learning math in the PYP? Are your students and teachers doing math in amazing ways? Do you have a passion for teaching and learning math?

Regardless of your reason, we are excited to host and invite you to spend the day with PYPEAN colleagues who share your curiosity with math and the PYP.

We at GSIS are on a math journey, and we in no way claim to be "experts" in the role of math in the PYP. However, we understand that this is a common interest with many members of the PYPEAN and would like to create an opportunity for us to collaborate.

Job Alikes provide valuable professional development, and the collaboration is unequaled. We have the freedom to create a day that benefits our unique role and journey. The agenda can consist of a school tour; Skyping with an expert, classroom observations; meetings to share ideas, knowledge, questions and resources; breakouts by grade/section level to address specific needs of different divisions--the sky's the limit!

Click here to register and contribute to the agenda

GSIS will provide morning snacks, lunch, and afternoon snacks. Once registration is finalized, we will contact you directly regarding the agenda, directions to the school, meeting space, etc. Click on the tab above labeled "travel" for more information about our school location.

We hope you can join us!