Grade 9V

Upcoming Events

Celebration: Wednesdays throughout the month of March


Academics March 2023

LA 9

We are in Part 8 of 10 of The Book Thief. This book, set in World War II Germany, explores the power of words, the power of story, and the power of small acts of justice. Just as words are used to tear down, to manipulate, and to shroud understanding, words are also powerfully equipped to reveal Truth and restore brokenness. 

Our essential questions: As Image-Reflectors, how can we take action, big or small, to right the injustices we encounter in our circles of influence? How can our work as Beauty-Creators speak Truth in our broken world?

Most reading will be completed in class; however, there will be times students must shorter read portions at home as we build stamina for independent reading.  All assignments/reading targets and materials are posted in Google Classroom (snapshot of the week is on our Week at a Glance on the Stream).

Bible 9

The Climb

What are some of the challenges faced by Christians on their faith journey?

 Where do we find encouragement support, help and advice to face the challenges that occur on the journey?

We're taking a look at the early Church as well as the Epistles through the motif of rock/mountain climbing. .

Social 9

Mini Mall Information  MAY 18th

Our Social Studies class has been studying Economics, Consumerism, and Quality of Life.  This project has been one of our FLEx projects for the unit and helps us understand economic concepts in a real-world environment.  During this Unit, student will participate in Mini-Mall on MAy 18th, our annual formative learning activity/fundraiser to help cement some of the content of this unit in the real world. 

This project has two main goals. First, we want to make money! But not for us, for the expenses related to Grade 9 Graduation later this year. 

Second, to be directly connected to their Social Studies Unit on Economics, including a practical understanding of the principles of a market and mixed economy, the role of the consumer in economies, consumer actions and the basic laws of scarcity and supply and demand.  

We hope that as students discover how these principles are applied within a free economic market. We will address many other secondary concepts, including production, environmental concern, consumer behaviour, financial priorities, leadership, and decision-making. We hope to plant this firmly within a deepening appreciation for how their Christian worldview addresses consumerism issues by addressing deeper questions such as “Whose wealth is it anyway?” And how are we good managers of God’s resources?”  

Science 9

Math 9

LA 9V Week at a Glance 2022

LA 9V Week at a Glance

The LA 9 Week at a Glance is posted on our Stream on Google Classroom; however, parents can check it out here! This gives the students an overview of what we're doing on a daily bases and what assignments are upcoming.

To see His Story . . . My Part and Grad fundraising, go to the dropdown menu under "9V" at the top of this page. Click the down arrow to see pages.

Academics February 2023

LA 9

We are in Part 8 of 10 in The Book Thief.  This book, set in World War II Germany, explores the power of words, the power of story, and the power of small acts of justice. Just as words are used to tear down, to manipulate, and to shroud understanding, words are also powerfully equipped to reveal Truth and restore brokenness. In this book, repurposing is a significant theme-- Just as the pages of Liesel’s copy of Mein Kampf are painted over and a new story emerges, so God writes His Story over the marred and arrogant pages of our own attempts to serve ourselves. 

Our essential questions: As Image-Reflectors, how can we take action, big or small, to right the injustices we encounter in our circles of influence? How can our work as Beauty-Creators speak Truth in our broken world?

Most reading will be completed in class; however, there will be times students must shorter read portions at home as we build stamina for independent reading.  All assignments/reading targets and materials are posted in Google Classroom (snapshot of the week is on our Week at a Glance on the Stream).

Bible 9

We're in the midst of a unit on "Meaning Making", examining how we play our part in the biblical narrative as Justice-Seekers, Creation-Enjoyers, Beauty-Creators, Community-Builders, Earth-Keepers, Idol-Discerners, Image-Reflectors, God-Worshippers, Servant-Workers, & Order-Discoverers.

His Story. . .My Part

Students have selected their topics and should have arrangements made to complete their service learning by February 17. It has been so interesting to hear the students' interests and passions as they formulated their topics. 

I have two sons who have walked through the His Story . . . My Part project. And it's big. My goal as their teacher is to ensure that you, as a parent, feel equipped to walk alongside your learner. It is my prayer that you will have the opportunity to marvel at just how they grow and develop in their understanding of themselves as contributors to the Kingdom work God calls them to over the course of this project.

Social 9 

We are halfway through our unit on the evolution of individual and collective rights in Canada. Students have been looking at and assessing the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on issues facing Canadians. We have had the opportunity to discuss, investigate, and consider how individual rights developed and how they are protected today. I hope that students have considered how our Rights and Freedoms support a broader appreciation for diversity and respect within our communities. During the second part of this unit, we will turn our attention towards Collective identity and Rights as we consider the balance that we should strike between them and our individual rights. 

January 2023

LA 9

We are halfway through our unit, The Book Thief.  This book, set in World War II Germany, explores the power of words, the power of story, and the power of small acts of justice. Just as words are used to tear down, to manipulate, and to shroud understanding, words are also powerfully equipped to reveal Truth and restore brokenness. In this book, repurposing is a significant theme-- Just as the pages of Liesel’s copy of Mein Kampf are painted over and a new story emerges, so God writes His Story over the marred and arrogant pages of our own attempts to serve ourselves. 

Our essential questions: As Image-Reflectors, how can we take action, big or small, to right the injustices we encounter in our circles of influence? How can our work as Beauty-Creators speak Truth in our broken world?

Most reading will be completed in class; however, there will be times students must shorter read portions at home as we build stamina for independent reading.  All assignments/reading targets and materials are posted in Google Classroom (snapshot of the week is on our Week at a Glance on the Stream).

Bible 9

We're in the midst of a unit on "Meaning Making", examining how we play our part in the biblical narrative as Justice-Seekers, Creation-Enjoyers, Beauty-Creators, Community-Builders, Earth-Keepers, Idol-Discerners, Image-Reflectors, God-Worshippers, Servant-Workers, & Order-Discoverers.


We are buddies with the 1G class this year. This December, we worked with our buddies to bless the HUB. We spent our last buddy session decorating cookies which were distributed to the HUB.

His Story. . .My Part

Students have begun taking a personal inventory as a first step in their His Story. . .My Part project. They are answering a series of questions designed to help them take stock of the passions and skills God has created in them. These passions and skills can be keys to revealing how we play our part in contributing to His Kingdom here on earth. 

YOUR PART: Once the students have completed their inventories, they'll be inviting a couple of trusted adults to reflect on what they've written as well as our Throughlines and provide valuable feedback. This feedback will be sealed in an envelope for the students to open at school. According to past teachers, this is one of the early impactful experiences of this project as students get an outsider's perspective into their gifts, talents, and passions.

I have two sons who have walked through the His Story . . . My Part project. And it's big. My goal as their teacher is to ensure that you, as a parent, feel equipped to walk alongside your learner. It is my prayer that you will have the opportunity to marvel at just how they grow and develop in their understanding of themselves as contributors to the Kingdom work God calls them to over the course of this project.

Social 9 

We are halfway through our unit on the evolution of individual and collective rights in Canada. Students have been looking at and assessing the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on issues facing Canadians. We have had the opportunity to discuss, investigate, and consider how individual rights developed and how they are protected today. I hope that students have considered how our Rights and Freedoms support a broader appreciation for diversity and respect within our communities. During the second part of this unit, we will turn our attention towards Collective identity and Rights as we consider the balance that we should strike between them and our individual rights. 

Math 9

As we roll into January, we are continuing on in our Shape and Space section of Mathematics. In this section students are taught to 


Sample Question for your Consideration

Can the volume of a 3-D object be reduced while at the same time increasing the surface area of the object?


"Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding."

— William Paul Thurston, American mathematician 

Science 9

We will be concluding our unit on "Matter and Chemical Change" by mid January. We are currently finishing up the last section on types of chemical reactions. 


Unit Rationale

Different materials have different properties. The ability to distinguish between different substances and make sense of their properties, interactions and changes requires the development of ideas about chemical substance.


What kind of reactions are endothermic and exothermic reactions? Where do we see these kinds of reactions in daily life?

Click here to find out?

December 2022


We'd like to thank God for the Beauty Creating gifts He's given us and the community he's made us.

We'd like to thank 9S, our portable neighbours, for their efforts may have contributed to our win.

And, finally, we'd like to thank our parents for raising us to be the cutest elves this side of the North Pole.

LA 9

We are currently in our unit The Book Thief.  This book, set in World War II Germany, explores the power of words, the power of story, and the power of small acts of justice. Just as words are used to tear down, to manipulate, and to shroud understanding, words are also powerfully equipped to reveal Truth and restore brokenness. In this book, repurposing is a significant theme-- Just as the pages of Liesel’s copy of Mein Kampf are painted over and a new story emerges, so God writes His Story over the marred and arrogant pages of our own attempts to serve ourselves. 

Our essential questions: As Image-Reflectors, how can we take action, big or small, to right the injustices we encounter in our circles of influence? How can our work as Beauty-Creators speak Truth in our broken world?

Most reading will be completed in class; however, there will be times students must shorter read portions at home as we build stamina for independent reading.  All assignments/reading targets and materials are posted in Google Classroom (snapshot of the week is on our Week at a Glance on the Stream).

Before Christmas break, we'll start discussing the His Story. . .My Part cornerstone project so students can begin planning for the service learning portion in their time off.

Bible 9

We're in the midst of a unit on "Meaning Making", examining how we play our part in the biblical narrative as Justice-Seekers, Creation-Enjoyers, Beauty-Creators, Community-Builders, Earth-Keepers, Idol-Discerners, Image-Reflectors, God-Worshippers, Servant-Workers, & Order-Discoverers.

We've interrupted this unit, however, to take a close look at Advent as a liturgical season (in reality, Advent is just a specific focus that very much fits within the Meaning Making unit . . . don't tell the students. . .). We'll examine the symbolism as well as historic and contemporary understandings of Advent. Students are challenged to think of Advent not as preparation for Christmas, but as a time of anticipation for the fulfillment of the promise of the incarnate Christ's return and the Kingdom made new!

His Story. . .My Part

It's coming. . . !


We are buddies with the 1G class this year. This December, we are working with our buddies to bless the HUB. We've made cards and will be making ornaments as well as doing some baking to pass on to clients at the HUB in order to bless them during this Christmas season.

I'm not sure who was doing the child-minding. . . 

Thank you for coordinating schedules and contributing food so your child could help our with our first grad fundraiser! We raised approximately $400 for grad!


Social 9 -  We have just completed our unit on the  Youth Criminal Justice Act. We examined the roots of justice in Canada; asking the question, "Is the justice system fair and equitable to youth who offend? We are now looking at issues affecting our 'Rights and Responsibilities, and how that impacts the way we see others as image-bearer of God. Our students will examine the evolution of individual and collective rights in Canada. Students will assess the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and discuss the various issues and implications of living in a society that maintains freedoms and rights for all, fostering a more profound and considered appreciation for diversity and respect.

Math :

The first item on the 'to do' list for grade nine math is to have each student compete a MIPI (Mathematical Intervention/ Programing Instrument). This is a short test on previously taught information (around grade 6-8 competency level).  The goal of this test is to provide teachers and students with information about where a student's strengths and gaps are when it comes to mathematics. The test will not count for marks, but students are encouraged to do their best as the results can only be helpful if they are accurate. 

Science :

After completing a short lab safety section, we will begin our first unit - Biological Diversity. During this unit, we will be examining the importance of difference in and among organisms. We will also be learning how DNA contributes to genetic diversity.