October Newsletter

October News Letter

Welcome to Grade 9

My name is Jeremy Schindel and I am your son or daughters home room teacher for the 2023/2024 school year at CCS. Our class theme this year is "See Clearly" which is taken from 1 Corinthians 13:12

It is the same with us. Now we see a dim reflection, as if we were looking into a mirror, but then we shall see clearly. Now I know only a part, but then I will know fully, as God has known me. 

This passage of scripture reminds me that there is something to look forward to and something to strive for in our faith. So while we may never fully know this side of eternity, we can strive to see things more clearly in our day to day lives about God's presence, his purpose, and his guidance. That is why we will be exploring how we can see God more clearly with the actions of our head (Theology), our hearts (Devotion), and our hands (Service). 

I will be teaching the grade nines Math, Science, Health, and Bible. Social will be taught by Mr. Ward, their L.A. teacher will be either Ms. Moody or Mr. Henink, and Mr. Drader will be their physical education teacher. 

I have always said to my new grade seven students that the transition into junior high can be a big step. Well, the transition out of junior high is also a big step. Along the way we have a lot of exciting things to look forward to (junior high retreat and graduation just to name a few). I will do my best to keep an open line of communication with you so that we can best support your child in their learning and development, and I promise to pray for you and your family and ask that you do the same for me. 

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email me at:


In Christ, 

Mr. J. Schindel

October Events and Important Dates

October 12th - Individual & Class Photos

October  19th & 20th - Christian Teacher's Convention (No School)

November 1st & 2nd - Parent/Teacher Conference

Math :

For the past month, student have been working with rational numbers. We have been learning what they are and how to apply standard math operations (add/subtract/multiply/divide) to them. We are coming to the end of this unit and will have a unit test around the middle of October.  

Social -  

Social 9 -  Given the recent widespread discussions about government accountability in the media over the past few weeks, it is particularly relevant that our Social Studies Grade 9 class is currently examining the framework of the Federal Government. In this context, students are exploring the ways in which Canada's political processes influence citizenship and one's sense of identity, with a focus on meeting the diverse needs of all Canadians.

For individuals to actively contribute to the common good and feel a genuine sense of belonging and empowerment as citizens, it is crucial for their identities to be recognized as valid. To achieve this, students are challenged to consider the question, "What is at Stake?" 

L.A. - 

In Language Arts we have begun by warming up our writing skills with an introductory letter and the district HLAT. 

Science :

We are well into our first unit - Biological Diversity. During this unit, we have examined the importance of difference in and among organisms. We also looked at how DNA contributes to genetic diversity.