Grade 8W

Important Dates in October and November

Around The 8W Classroom 

Grade 8 is truly a unique year among the teenage years. It is a year full of opportunities for students to explore their identity, their independence and to learn more about responsibility. It is my deep hope that each Grade 8 student has the opportunity to investigate their worldview, form unforgettable friendships, and participate in great extra-curricular events such as retreats, field trips, and CTF. It is my prayer that all of these things are woven together in an environment that challenges each student to grow spiritually by actively seeking opportunities to serve, share and care for others at CCS. 


Janauary 2024

The students are looking at the foundation of the church and the book of Acts. During this unt, students will enter in a study of the Church's purpose and intent. How does God use the church in the world? What are our responsibilities as members of God's church? During the next few weeks, students will be asked to investigate their own church as well as visit a friend's church to get a sense for how different communities worship.  

OCTOBER 2023 - Students are completing the first unit of the year - Covenant: The Promises of Redemption and Restoration. During this unit, students gain a deeper understanding of the theme of covenant through the Bible, gaining valuable insight into God’s redemptive and restorative history of radical inclusion, intentional hospitality and unconditional community building. Students will begin a new unit in mid-October called “Jesus on Trial,” a survey of the New Testament narrative of Jesus' subversive message and teachings in the face of the authorities of His day. 


Janauray 2024 

We have just begun our study of Medieval society and will  soon begin to investigate the topic of the Renaissance and the growth of trade. Trade, commerce, intercultural contact and development all resulted due to the influence of the Silk Road, and the Crusades led to a golden age of art and culture. The rise of trading networks and the decline of the Feudal system within the city-states of Italy as the center of the growth of commerce will give us new perspectives on issues relating to how we live our lives today in restorative ways that bring about positive change and great beauty in our own communities. We hope that as students understand their calling to God’s restorative work and act as agents of change, healing and shalom, they will see that art, literature, and innovation are all a part of God's design. 

October 2023 

In Social Studies Grade 8, we are embarking on our exploration of Imperialism and Colonialism. Our study delves into the contrasting perspectives of European powers and indigenous communities worldwide during the Age of Exploration and Expansion. We will investigate how these differing worldviews played a role in shaping diverse societies and how cross-cultural interactions influenced these societies. Additionally, we will critically analyze discussions surrounding Western values during this era, comparing them with the historical experiences of indigenous peoples, cultures, and economies across the globe. 

Language Arts 



November 2022 - Mrs. Clark 

We are currently wrapping up our unit on "Mix and Flow of Matter". We have learned the properties of fluids and how the particle model of matter can be used to explain how matter changes state. We discussed what properties make up homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures and how we can mix. dissolve and separate mixtures. We have completed many experiments and demonstrations throughout the unit. We learned about what viscosity is and how to compare liquids by using flow rate. We focused on density and the formula used to calculate  density for solids and fluids. We are finishing our unit with a study of buoyancy, pressure and hydraulics. Our unit test is this Thursday. The study guide is posted on classroom. 

December 2021 - Mrs. Clark

We are currently in the middle of our second unit, called "Cells and Systems". We have learned about unicellular and multicellular organisms. Students learned the various parts of the microscope along with their functions. We were able to participate in a few labs over the last month, including looking at prepared slides, creating a wet mount slide and looking at onion cells under a microscope. Students are working on a unit project that has them building a 3-D model of a cell. They are able to choose either a plant or animal cell. The unit project is on classroom as well as the rubric.  We will have a quiz this Thursday on Topics 1-3. 

January 2022 - Mrs. Clark

We will be finishing our last couple of topics in Unit 2 when we return to in class learning next week. We will be learning in a more in depth way than previous years in Science class how God made our bodies and how our cells are amazing little miracles. We will learn about specialized cells in our bodies and the tissues, organs and body systems that they make up. We will examine the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, and nervous systems. Students will have an opportunity to complete a unit project on one of the major systems of the body.

February 2022 - Mrs. Clark

We are into our third unit for the year. It is called Light and Optical Systems. Students are learning about what light is. We have examined many forms of light. We are currently studying principles of reflection, refraction and absorption of light. 

April 2022 - Mrs. Clark 

We are currently in the middle of our fourth unit for the year called, "Mechanical Systems". Students are learning differences between simple and complex machines. Students are finding the mechanical advantage of class 1, 2 and 3 levers. We will also explore pneumatics and hydraulic systems. 


Health 8

We continue to learn about the many facets of wellness. We have moved from the topic of safety and are currently exploring resiliency and how to recognize the risk and protective factors in our lives as well as the tools we have to build on protective factors. As Community Builders, one of the great gifts of being part of a community of faith and learning is the opportunity to BE protective factors in the lives of those around us. Building one another up with acts of kindness or encouraging words and reminding one another of who we are in Christ are powerful ways to speak Truth into one another's lives. From here we will move into mental health, discussing signs, symptoms, and impacts as well as resources available to students.