
7C Wetland Wonders Lab 

Students from 7H

Using Qualitative and Quantitative Data

"Building a road through a wetland"



We are currently studying expressions, equations and relations. Students are beginning to understand the difference between an expression and an equation. Tables of values were introduced and students are becoming adept at filling in output values as they relate to the input. Please have your child bring many pencils to school so that they always have one available for Math class. 



We are in the midst of our unit on interactions and ecosystems. It’s a very fun and somewhat familiar unit for students. Students created a shoebox diorama of an animal in their habitat and submitted a detailed research chart outlining the needs of their chosen animal. We are currently discussing the differences between food chains, food webs and pyramids of numbers. Students will be tasked with creating a project displaying an interconnected food web. Students learned what a niche is and how organisms can fill different roles within an ecosystem. Students will also soon be learning about their own ecological footprint and how to be Earth Keepers. 

LANGUAGE ARTS: We are just about to start our first novel study of the year. For the next couple of months we will be reading The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien. Throughout the book there are various themes and topics we will study. Friendship, Loyalty, revenge, and riddles being the key among them. 

SOCIAL STUDIES:  As we learn about history, it helps us understand how things change over time, how it affects who we are, and how we act as citizens. We look at different viewpoints from Canada's past and how they relate to today's issues. History helps us make better choices for the future. 

Our goal in Social 7 is to see how our study of history, perspective, culture, people and the environment, like the land and geography, shapes how societies work and how we see ourselves. We will discuss power, authority, and how decisions in the past have shaped our world today. We also explore how economics and the use of resources impact our lives in Canada. As we seek to understand, and I dare say appreciate different perspectives, we will learn what it means to care about others, our land, and ourselves. making us more aware of our diverse country.


**Celebration is occurring on Wednesdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

Thanksgiving Monday - October 9 - no school 

PD Day - October 10 - no school 

Lifetouch Pictures (individual AND class pics) - October 12 (for Jr. high classes)

Christian Teachers’ Convention - October 19-20

April Newsletter 2023

Math - Mrs. Clark 

In Math 7 we are finishing up our unit on expressions and equations. Students have been encouraged to use a variety of strategies to solve equations including systematic trial, mental math, using balance scales and using opposite operations. They have all now selected the strategy that works the best for them and will keep practicing solving equations for unknown variables. Our unit test will be this week on Wednesday. 

Science - Mrs. Clark 

In Science we are currently in the middle of our fourth unit, "Structures and Forces". This week we will be learning how compression, tension, shear and torsion forces can be destructive to structures. Last week we had two guest speakers in. On Monday we had Jon from Beaverhill Bird Observatory Society come in. He brought Mable with him, a rescued peregrine falcon. We learned many interesting facts about falcons and also how other species interact with them. On Tuesday, we had Ary Vreeken from Canadian Foodgrains Bank come in to talk with us about our second unit, "Plants for Food and Fibre." He shared with us the best ways that seeds can grow and how farmers in our area seed, monitor and harvest their crops. Then we had an opportunity to hear about how Canadian Foodgrains Bank is helping with strategies to combat world hunger. Poverty, war and drought is rampant around the world which can cause hunger and famine. We were encouraged to find ways to be God's feet and take care of those who don't have enough to eat. Please stay tuned for a 7C class fundraiser in the next month or so.  

Social 7 - Mr. Ward 

Our grade 7 students are still looking at the impact of the Seven Years War on the formation of North America. We are examining the important question of how did British North America viewed the American War of Independence. As British North America began to seek an identity at the end of the 18th Century, many displaced loyalist from the conflict fled to new parts of Canada to start a new life. What emerged was the need to address the strange combination of Canadian French Catholic, English Protestant Monarchist, and First Nations as a result of the migration. What Will lead to the Constitutional Act of 1791.  In the next few weeks, we will begin our Historical Family Tree Projects in conjunction with our study of the Great Migration. 

LA - Mr Hennink

For LA we will be starting a unit on Myths, Legends and folktales. This will help us understand the importance of story in various cultures. We will also be working on the book talk portion of our independent novel study that we have been working on over the past month and a bit! 


**Celebration is occurring on Thursdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**Students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


February Newsletter 2023

Math - Mrs. Clark 

We are finishing up our unit on circles and area. We have two topics left including how to read circles graphs and how to draw circle graphs. Please encourage your child to bring a pencil and a geometry every day for Math. 

Science - Mrs. Clark 

I was so thrilled to have the students present their Farm to Table projects last month. They did an amazing job. We are working through our unit on Heat & Temperature. We have studied different temperature scales and learned how to calibrate a thermometer. We did a hands on experiment using our sense of touch to determine the temperature of lukewarm water after one hand was in warm water and one hand was in cold water. We are about to dive into all parts of the Particle Model of Matter this week. 

Social - Our grade 7 students are close to the end of the unit that examines the people and perspectives of those that settled in New France and their role in the early stages of the Fur Trade. As students investigate this unit, they are challenged with how this early contact established trading relationships and settlement patterns in Eastern North America of European colonists. The people of New France's brought various European perspectives into First Nations communities during this time, creating economic, religious and social tension. Students have been engaged in a project called PAST LIVES these past few weeks. They have been asked to discover how 18-century European settlers, arriving on the shores of St. Lawrence and the Atlantic Coast, brought with them Christianity, the economic ideas of mercantilism and an already existing tension with other European nations that would spill over into the revival for land and resources. Our deep hope is that students understand and appreciate how a sense of belonging, beliefs, traditions and languages is a powerful element of any society, including their own

LA -


**Celebration is occurring on Thursdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**Students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


January Newsletter 2023

Math - Mrs. Clark 

We have just started our unit on circles and area. All students will need a geometry set for this unit including a ruler, compass, protractor and pencil. Students will be learning how to construct circles using radius and diameter. Area of circles, parallelograms, rectangles, and triangles will also be studied. 

Science - Mrs. Clark 

Our unit test for plants for for food and fibre is Tuesday, January 17th. A study guide has been added to google classroom. All students should also be completed all of their vocabulary. We will begin our unit on Heat and Temperature next week. 


LA -


**Celebration is occurring on Wednesday this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**Students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


November Newsletter 2022


We are currently in the middle of our second unit in Math 7. Students are learning how to add and subtract integers. Some strategies we will be exploring are using algebra tiles and number lines. Please have your child bring many pencils to school so that they always have one available for Math class. 


We are finishing up our unit on interactions and ecosystems. It’s a very fun and somewhat familiar unit for students. We are currently discussing the differences between food chains, food webs and pyramids of numbers. Students are currently creating food webs that can be turned in either this Friday, November 4th or Monday, November 14th.


We are about 1/4 of the way through The Hobbit. Students are working on various activities that have to do with the novel. If you have a child that misses some of the reading while away, there are audio book links in Google Classroom for them to listen to anything that was missed. 

SOCIAL STUDIES  We have been on an Order-Discovering mission these past few weeks. The students have been engaged in an archaeological dig of the gravesite of the Red Orcha Boy of Labrador (affectionately known as ROB). They have looked at physical evidence and artifacts left behind by one of Canada's pre-historic societies. The students have been developing critical and creative thinking as they determine the validity of information based on context, source, objectivity, evidence, and reliability to broaden their understanding to explain the historical and cultural contexts of this period that has no written records preserved. Over the next few weeks, we will be looking at how Aboriginal societies were structured. Much information about prehistory is preserved by Knowledge-Keepers and Elders, as help shape our understanding of the land and its people as well as remind us all to look to the Creator for wisdom and unity. 


**Celebration is occurring on Wednesdays of this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

PD Day - November 1

Fall Break - November 7-11 (School is closed)

Remembrance Day - November 11 

Picture Retakes - November 15

October Newsletter 2022


We are currently studying expressions, equations and relations. Students are beginning to understand the difference between an expression and an equation. Tables of values were introduced and students are becoming adept at filling in output values as they relate to the input. Please have your child bring many pencils to school so that they always have one available for Math class. 



We are in the midst of our unit on interactions and ecosystems. It’s a very fun and somewhat familiar unit for students. Students created a shoebox diorama of an animal in their habitat and submitted a detailed research chart outlining the needs of their chosen animal. We are currently discussing the differences between food chains, food webs and pyramids of numbers. Students will be tasked with creating a project displaying an interconnected food web. Students learned what a niche is and how organisms can fill different roles within an ecosystem. Students will also soon be learning about their own ecological footprint and how to be Earth Keepers. 


We just finished our Podcast unit and are now beginning our first novel study: The Hobbit! Throughout this unit we will be working on various assignments and comprehension studies. Please make sure to check your child's Google Classroom to help them stay on track! 



**Celebration is occurring on Thursdays of this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

Thanksgiving Weekend - October 8-10

PD Day - October 11

Lifetouch Pictures - October 14 

Christian Teachers’ Convention - October 20-21

December Newsletter 2021

Math - Mrs. Clark 

We have begun our unit on fractions, decimals and percents. Students are now able to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. They can do this with and without a calculator (although one is more time consuming...). We are currently working on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals. There are many day to day examples of where this is necessary in life. Students would benefit from more practice in comparing and ordering fractions from least to greatest and comparing fractions with like and un-like denominators. Please see google classroom Math 7 for videos or check on Math Antics videos on-line. 

Science - Mrs. Clark 

We are deep in the "roots" of our unit on "Plants for Food and Fibre". We have watched a plant try to grow even though succession is taking place (we added extra seeds that have sprouted). We have studied the structure of roots, stems and leaves. We have learned about processes such as diffusion, osmosis and photosynthesis. We are currently learned about how plants reproduce.  

ELA - Mr. Hennink

For the remainder of the month of December the Grade 7 class will continue to work through the novel study I am David. Along the way, we will discuss, explore and work through the different themes in the book. Most notably, resilience as it relates to the main protagonist David. 

Social - Mr. Hennink

In Social Studies 7 we are currently working through Chapter 3 in the text. The Early European colonies and the impact they had on the land and the First Nations people who lived there. We will also be discovering the similarities and differences between the British and French European colonies. This will take us past Christmas and into January. 


**Celebration is occurring on Wednesdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. Students can only check them for a minute at break times and may not carry them around in the hallways or have them in class. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**Masks are currently required at CCS. Please ensure your child wears a clean mask to school. The only time a mask is removed is when a student is facing forward and working independently at their own desk.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

December 1 - Early Dismissal

December 7 - Grinch Day - staff and students wear green

December 8 - Christmas Door Decorating 

December 13 - Christmas Formal Dress Up Day - wear your best formal Christmas outfit

December 14 - Crazy Christmas Sock Day

December 15 - Christmas Pajama Day

December 16 - 7C Wear Green or Red Day - Grinch sweaters too!

December 17 - Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

December 17 - Class Christmas Party - pm 

January Newsletter 2022

Math - Mrs. Clark 

We will begin next week with a review of the relationship between fractions and decimals. Most students need additional practice with changing terminating and repeating decimals into fractions and vice versa. We are learning how to do this with and without a calculator. Then, we will move onto converting to percents and complete percent word problems. Once we have wrapped up our final chapter 3 outcomes, we will have an assessment. I will communicate with students next week on the exact date.  

Science - Mrs. Clark 

Next week will begin with a final unit project called, "From Farm to Table". Students will research a specific Alberta crop and make a presentation showing how that crop is prepped for, grown, harvested and ends up on our plate. Once we have presented, students will submit their vocabulary and have a Unit 2 exam. The next unit is called, "Heat & Temperature" which is a great unit for learning how we stay warm and use heat technology to stay warm during Alberta winters. 

ELA - Mr. Hennink

Our Grade 7 classes are halfway through the book I am David. We will be finishing the book and working on assignments throughout the month that actively help with comprehension and also bring meaning to our own lives. 

Social - Mr. Hennink

For the month of January we will be investigating New France, the first European colony in Canada. We will be looking at significant people, government structures, relationships with the First Peoples and the implications for today. 


**Celebration is occurring on Thursdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. Students can only check them for a minute at break times and may not carry them around in the hallways or have them in class. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**Masks are currently required at CCS. Please ensure your child wears a clean mask to school. I don't have any information currently about when the GoA medical grade masks will arrive. 

**Students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

January 10th - classes resume

January 31 - PD Day 

February Newsletter 2022

We welcome our new student Alexis to 7C! She is a great addition to our class!

Math - Mrs. Clark

We are currently in the middle of our unit on operations with fractions. Students have learned how to add and subtract fractions. They can complete this task with like and unlike common denominators. Students completed two formative check-ins last week that are both in powerschool. A formative assessment is to check for understanding and guide teaching and assessment. Students have done very well on check-ins recently. This Wednesday, students will have a short quiz on adding and subtracting fractions. Next up, is converting fractions between improper and mixed numbers.

Science - Mrs. Clark

We are currently in the middle of our third unit called, "Heat and Temperature". Students have been learning about how we measure temperature (thermometers, thermocouples, bimetallic strips, etc.). The particle model of matter was introduced last week and students are expected to learn and memorize the four important parts. We will be discussing what happens to particles as heat is added and what happens to particle movement during changes of state. Students will understand the principle of expansion and contraction during hot and cold temperatures. Students will also understand how heating our homes and cooking our food has changed over the last decades. Our winter has been extremely cold this year, and it gave us an opportunity to discuss as a class how we heat our homes sustainably. 

*ps. Students completed their Unit 2 Farm to Table projects last month, and they were fantastic! Make sure to ask your child for a peak at their research. 

ELA - Mr. Hennink

We have just wrapped up the novel I am David. For some, it was a hard book to come to terms with. A young boy, dealing with the gravity of tough life circumstances and finding God along the way. As a class we will watch the movie based on the book and then move on to a short unit on researching and responding. 

Social - Mr. Hennink

Social 7

As we move into the month of February we will be tackling the subject of the Fur Trade from the perspectives of the First Nations, British, and French colonists. We will discuss the impacts of this very important historical event and how it matters to us today.


**I would like to take the opportunity to welcome Juliana Middel as our new student teacher here at Covenant. She is joining us from The King's University in Edmonton and for the next 11 weeks will be observing and teaching various subjects in Junior High.

**Celebration is occurring on Wednesdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. Students can only check them for a minute at break times and may not carry them around in the hallways or have them in class. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**Masks are currently required at CCS. Please ensure your child wears a clean mask to school. The only time a mask is removed is when a student is facing forward and working independently at their own desk.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

Feb. 2 - Groundhog Day

Feb. 2 - Early Dismissal and Jr. High Chapel

Feb. 10-11 Teacher's Convention  - no school

Feb. 15 - 90's Dress Up Day 

Feb. 21 - Family Day - no school 

Feb. 22 - Twin Dress Up Day (2-22-22)

Feb. 23 - Pink Shirt Day 

Feb. 24 - Student Led Conferences 

March 2 - 100 Year Old Dress Up Day 

March Newsletter 2022

Math - Mrs. Clark

We are in the midst of our unit on solving equations. Students are being asked to find the answers to problems to make statements true. They are learning how to preserve equality and keep their equations balanced. Students have learned how to use inspection, trial and error, balance scales, algebra tiles and straight algebra to solve equations. They have all enjoyed learning how to solve one and two step equations. Our unit test for equations will be this coming Tuesday (March 8th)

Science - Mrs. Clark

We are wrapping up our third unit (Heat & Temperature). Recently we learned about all parts of the particle model of matter. Students completed creative projects illustrated and showing all four parts. We just finished studying radiation, conduction and convection. Students are enjoying discussing the various sources of thermal energy; ranging from solar, wind, hydro-electric, fossil fuels to geo-thermal. Our unit test will be Thursday, March 10th. 

ELA/Social Studies - Mr. Hennink

Starting in the second week of March, our student teacher Miss Middel will be taking over the reigns of ELA/Social Studies and Health. For the next 6 weeks she will be focusing on delivering engaging lessons, practicing all the nitty gritty parts of teaching while at the same time being observed and coached by Mr Hennink, her faculty supervisor from The King's University and various people from our Educational community. Mr Hennink will oversee all curriculum implementation, marking, and grades. 

Hi Parents, 

Miss Middel has been here for a month already and has taken the time to get know all the students, teach various lessons and learned the ins and outs of Covenant Christian School. I feel fully confident during the next 6 weeks she will gain even more respect and admiration from our students as she takes on this very monumental task as a student teacher in her last practicum before graduation. 


Mr Hennink 


**Students are now going outside during ALL morning breaks. Please ensure students come to school with appropriate outdoor gear every day (jackets, boots, mitts, hats). Lunch breaks are scheduled for gym or outside. 

** Water fountains will be soon turned on. However, please continue to send a water bottle that students can re-fill. There is a limited quantity of cups at the office. Water bottles are preferred. 

**Celebration is occurring on Thursdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. Students can only check them for a minute at break times and may not carry them around in the hallways or have them in class. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:

March 2 – Early Dismissal @ 2:30 pm

March 2– 100s Dress-Up Day

March 7-20 – Scholastic Virtual Book Fair

March 8 – Hot Lunch – Boston Pizza (Pasta)

March 11 – PD Day

March 15 – Hot Lunch – Subway

March 18 – Stawnichy’s Order and Payment Due

March 22 – Hot Lunch – Dominos Pizza

March 23 - Field Trip to watch Shrek Jr. Musical at MacLab

March 27 – Purdys Order and Payment Due

March 28 – Spring Break Begins

April Newsletter 2022

Welcome to our new student, Malia! She is a wonderful addition to our 7C class!

Math - Mrs. Clark

We are in the midst of our unit on geometry. Students are currently becoming masters of their geometry sets. They are using rulers, protractors, compasses and right triangles to create parallel and perpendicular lines. Students are also becoming adept at bisecting lines and angles. Our next challenge will be to plot points on a cartesian plane. Then we will be learning how to rotate, reflect and translate 2D images.

Science - Mrs. Clark

We are currently in our fourth unit, called "Structures and Forces". Students have been comparing God-designed and manufactured structures. We have also categorized structures into either mass, frame or shell structures. Students have spent time building golf-ball bridges and ice cube challenge containers this unit. We will continue working to analyze how structures are created and the forces behind why they sometimes fail. 

ELA - Mr. Hennink

For the last two weeks in April we are wrapping our time up with Miss Middel. She has been an excellent teacher to our students! Miss Middel is teaching her final poetry unit and will wrap it up on April 22nd. 

Social Studies - Mr. Hennink

In Social Studies we are learning about the War of 1812 and studying this important event from many different perspectives. During the last week of April we will be learning about Confederation and will then move ahead to more modern Canadian History. 


** If you would like to purchase a friendship bracelet or would like to contribute $10 to our Ukraine fundraiser, please let me know. 

**Students are now going outside during ALL morning breaks. Please ensure students come to school with appropriate outdoor gear every day (jackets, boots, mitts, hats). Lunch breaks are scheduled for gym or outside. 

** Water fountains are now on. However, please continue to send a water bottle that students can re-fill. 

**Celebration is occurring on Wednesdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. Students can only check them for a minute at break times and may not carry them around in the hallways or have them in class. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:


May Newsletter 2022

Math - Mrs. Clark

We are in almost finished our unit on geometry. Students are currently completing transformations of shapes including rotations, translations and reflections. Student need to know how to complete this task using all four quadrants in a cartesian plane. Our Unit test will be this Friday. 

Science - Mrs. Clark

We are wrapping up our unit on Structures & Forces. Students have had opportunities to build ice challenge devices, golf ball bridges, etc. Our unit project will be an egg drop device that students build at home and test at school. More details to follow. Our Topics 6-7 quiz is tomorrow and our Unit 4 test is this Thursday. There is a study guide on classroom.  Our new unit is Planet Earth where students will explore God's creation focusing on rocks, minerals, volcanoes, and earth's core. 

ELA - Mr. Hennink

Dystopian societies and sinister things are afoot! Over the next few weeks the Grade 7 classes will be doing a novel study on Lois Lowry's The Giver. Most days will consist of reading a chapter or two of the book/discussion/reflections and moments of wonder as we find out what happens in this strange world the characters find themselves in. 

Social Studies - Mr. Hennink

In Social Studies we are understanding Confederation by creating a country and then merging them with our classmate's countries. After that we will make our way further past confederation as we understand how Canada finds its identity. 


** We raised $150 to help with the Ukraine fundraiser with the sale of our friendship bracelets! Thank you for your support!

**Students are now going outside during ALL morning breaks. Please ensure students come to school with appropriate outdoor gear every day (jackets, boots, mitts, hats). Lunch breaks are scheduled for gym or outside. 

** Water fountains are now on. However, please continue to send a water bottle that students can re-fill. 

**Celebration is occurring on Thursdays this month.

**If your child is bringing a computer to school with them, please ensure they charge it tonight and bring it daily. School computers stay at the school overnight.

**Our CCS cell phone policy will ensure that all student cell phones are locked up in lockers for the day. Students can only check them for a minute at break times and may not carry them around in the hallways or have them in class. If you need to get a hold of your child, please call Mrs. Andres in the office and she will ensure the message is passed along.

**As the weather starts to change, students will need a change of clothes for Phys Ed as well as indoor shoes for the gym. Gym clothes can be kept at school in their hallway lockers and should be brought home once or more times a week to wash.

**I check email between the hours of 8 am and 7 pm on school days. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Important Dates:
