Grade 7/8H

April 2023

Social 8- We are entering into our study of the Aztec and Spanish, Worldviews in Conflict unit. We will examined how the differences and similarities in worldviews, and the advantages of the Spanish, created a situation where the Aztec empire was conquered. In its aftermath, a combination of two cultures emerged as seen in the present day realities of the nation of Mexico. There has been conversations regarding the misplaced values of the Christians in Spain's that did not see the false idols in which they created themselves. Our next unit is Japan: From Isolation to Adaptation which will begin in May. 

Social 7- Our grade 7 students are still looking at the impact of the Seven Years War on the formation of North America. We are examining the important question of how did British North America viewed the American War of Independence. As British North America began to seek an identity at the end of the 18th Century, many displaced loyalist from the conflict fled to new parts of Canada to start a new life. What emerged was the need to address the strange combination of Canadian French Catholic, English Protestant Monarchist, and First Nations as a result of the migration. What Will lead to the Constitutional Act of 1791.  In the next few weeks, we will begin our Historical Family Tree Projects in conjunction with our study of the Great Migration. 


Social 8 - We are asking essential questions about how the formation of new ideas during the wave of new ideas resonating out of the humanist movement affects the worldview of Western Europe. Particularly interesting to us is the question, how does faith inform our lives and seek understanding? During our last mini-unit in the study of Renaissance, students will look at how ideas exchanged and debated shaped the western worldview that influences us today. Topics will include scientific, medical, and astronomical innovations and how news ideas shaped politics and were the cornerstone of the Reformation. We will seek to understand the role faith plays in our decision-making as "image-reflectors" and "order-discoverers affirming our Christ-centered approach to God's unfolding story of our lives.  


Hello to all!

3 more full weeks until we hit Christmas. We will be finishing our Novel (The Hunger Games) and putting the final touches on some assignments for it. The students did a wonderful job in their Utopia Presentations. This past Wednesday, we had a mini Christmas decorating party and set up lights, decorations, and a very small tree that is propped up by tape and a prayer. 

Just a note on sickness: I will continue to post any assignments on Google Classroom. My apologies for not being consistent with posting about where we have read to. I will remedy that! 

Social 8 - We have examined the rise of trade and commerce in the Renaissance and looked at how goods, technology and ideas shaped the landscape of western Europe worldview and shifting priorities. As the city-states of Italy, such as Florence and Venice, played a prominent role as centers of the growth of commerce, students will gain new perspectives on how this new wealth and privilege led to the rise of humanism. We hope that as students examine the topic of humanism, they will start to gain insights into their potential and the contribution they can make to society. 

Social 7 - We have completed our unit on Canada's First people and will now look into the early age of Exploration and the rise of New France. As students examine this topic,  they will be asked to consider how communities with different perspectives and outlooks share land and resources.   

Math 7- Mrs. Clark 

We are in the middle of our unit on fractions, decimals and percents. Students are now able to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa. They can do this with and without a calculator (although one is more time consuming...). We are currently working on adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing decimals. There are many day to day examples of where this is necessary in life. Students would benefit from more practice in comparing and ordering fractions from least to greatest and comparing fractions with like and un-like denominators. Please see google classroom Math 7 for videos or check on Math Antics videos on-line. 

Math 8 - Mrs. Clark 

We are half way through our unit on multiplying and dividing fractions. Students have had a check in and will have a quiz this week. Our unit test will be next week. 

Science 7- Mrs. Clark 

We are learning about plants for food and fibre. Next week will begin with a final unit project called, "From Farm to Table". Students will research a specific Alberta crop and make a presentation showing how that crop is prepped for, grown, harvested and ends up on our plate. Once we have presented, students will submit their vocabulary and have a Unit 2 exam. The next unit is called, "Heat & Temperature" which is a great unit for learning how we stay warm and use heat technology to stay warm during Alberta winters. 

Science 8 - Mrs. Clark 

We are currently in the middle of our unit on Cells & Systems. Students are learning the various organelles in plant and animal cells. Our upcoming project requires students to build a 3D cell and it can be edible.

November 2022

Hi all!

October has come and gone and we are getting ready to for the drive to Christmas! What I like about November is it allows us to get going without a lot of the extra (Though great!) stuff. In LA we are about 1/4 of our way through The Hunger Games and are busy creating our Utopia Brochures which will eventually turn into a presentation for the whole class. I am really looking forward to those after the November break. Thanks to those parents that were able to come for PT interviews. If you weren't able and want to meet, please send me and email and we can set up a time to meet. We can always chat on the phone as well! 

Have a great November!

Mr H 

Math - Mrs. Clark 

Grade 8 - November 2022 - We are in the midst of our unit on multiplying and dividing integers. Students have learned a variety of strategies including number lines and using algebra tiles. Most students are most comfortable with memorizing the rule that when multiplying or dividing integers with the same signs (either both positives or both negatives, the resulting integer will be positive). Conversely, when a positive integer is multiplied or divided by a negative integer, the result is a negative integer. We will have a mini quiz tomorrow (November 2nd). Our unit test will be during the fourth week of November.

Grade 7 - November 2022 - We are currently in the middle of our second unit in Math 7. Students are learning how to add and subtract integers. Some strategies we will be exploring are using algebra tiles and number lines. Please have your child bring many pencils to school so that they always have one available for Math class.

Science - Mrs. Clark 

Science 8 - November 2022 - We are currently finishing up our unit on Mix and Flow of Matter . We have had a variety of hands on demos and experiments. We are learning how to determine density. We have enjoyed units on viscosity, buoyancy, and pressure.  

Science 7 - November 2022 - 

We are finishing up our unit on interactions and ecosystems. It’s a very fun and somewhat familiar unit for students. We are currently discussing the differences between food chains, food webs and pyramids of numbers. Students are currently creating food webs that can be turned in either this Friday, November 4th or Monday, November 14th.

Social 7 - Mr. Ward - November 2022 - 

We have been on an Order-Discovering mission these past few weeks. The students have been engaged in an archaeological dig of the gravesite of the Red Orcha Boy of Labrador (affectionately known as ROB). They have looked at physical evidence and artifacts left behind by one of Canada's pre-historic societies. The students have been developing critical and creative thinking as they determine the validity of information based on context, source, objectivity, evidence, and reliability to broaden their understanding to explain the historical and cultural contexts of this period that has no written records preserved. Over the next few weeks, we will examines how Aboriginal societies were structured. Much information about prehistory is preserved by Knowledge-Keepers and Elders, as help shape our understanding of the land and its people as well as remind us all to look to the Creator for wisdom and unity. 

Social 8 - Mr. Ward - November 2022 - 

We have just finished our study of Medieval society and will begin investigating the topic of the Renaissance and the growth of trade. Trade, commerce, intercultural contact and development all resulted due to the influence of the Silk Road, and the Crusades led to a golden age of art and culture. The rise of trading networks and the decline of the Feudal system within the city-states of Italy as the center of the growth of commerce will give us new perspectives on issues relating to how we live our lives today in restorative ways that bring about positive change and great beauty in our own communities. We hope that as students understand their calling to God’s restorative work and act as agents of change, healing and shalom, they will see that art, literature, and innovation are all a part of God's design. 

October 2022

Hello Everyone! 

I hope you have enjoyed the very warm weather we have been having for September!

I have absolutely loved having the Grade 7s and the Grade8s as my home room. It took a little while to get everyone comfortable with each other but we got there! This year I am trying something a little different. I start every morning with a talking circle. I pose easy softball questions, hardball questions and sometimes thought provoking questions. This was initially an awkward thing for the students but they have come to look forward to it each morning. (At least I do!). The reason I do this is to go along with our school theme; The Stable Table. In a talking circle, everyone is welcome, everyone has a voice, and everyone is equal... including me, the facilitator! 

I am sincerely looking forward to October! September is like packing a giant semi truck... we have assessments to figure out, students to know, students to figure out, plans to be made, then scrapped, then made again, then scrapped a bit more, then made one more time. As well as a host of other things! I always feel like October is the month when we start the engine and we get rolling. 

So here's to rolling! 

As always, please contact me if you have anything you want to chat about!
