Citizen Public Comment

For reference see Policy No. 1024 and Regulation 1024-R

Members of the community are invited and encouraged to attend meetings of the Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School Regional Board to observe its deliberations. Any member of the community may address the Regional School Board on matters related to Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School at any regular meeting. Persons wishing to address the Regional School Board are required to contact the Regional School Board Clerk, or their designee for placement on the agenda.

In order to address the Regional School Board, the speaker must provide the Clerk with a summary of his/her comments by 10:00am on the last business day prior to the meeting at which he or she desires to be heard. On the day of the meeting the member of the community must visit the Clerk’s table prior to the Public Information Period to receive a copy of Regulation 1024-R and acknowledge that he or she understands the protocol guidelines.

The Public Information Period shall not exceed thirty (30) minutes. Each speaker will be allotted three (3) minutes to make his/her comments. Individuals representing groups will be allotted five (5) minutes.

Protocol Guidelines for Citizen Participation:

  • Speakers should state their full legal name prior to addressing the Regional School Board.

  • Speakers will not be permitted to address or question the Director, Board Attorney, Board Clerk or Deputy Clerk, or any other staff member directly. Questions should be directed to the Chairperson, who may, at his/her discretion, solicit a response.

  • Speakers appearing before the Regional School Board will not be allowed to campaign for public office, promote private business ventures, engage in personal attacks of anyone, or use profanity or vulgar language.

  • Applause is permitted during the awards and presentations period only.

  • Citizens may express their views in writing in lieu of any oral presentation. Hearing-impaired persons may contact the Regional School Board Clerk in advance to make arrangements for an interpreter.