
What's Inside your GNSS Rover?

A three-part series examing the inner workings of high-precision surveying rovers. 

Part One   -   Part Two   -   Part Three.

How and why simplicity is an essential element of reality capture hardware and software design. 

Free and Global: The new high accuracy positioning service (HAS) of the Galileo constellation and its advantages for GIS and asset mapping

Over the past five years, no-calibration tilt compensation has become a nearly universal feature for surveying and construction GNSS rovers. How has this feature been received by users?

It is more about many minor triumphs, than major leaps and bounds. Surveyors can play an essential role in implementing these changes.

As machine control for construction progresses steadily towards autonomy, its impact and value continue to increase beyond conventional ROI considerations. 

The gensis of modern surveying and geodetic instruments sprang from a convergence of multiple scienes. A history feature focused on how the work of Zeis,, Abbe, Schott, and Wild moved instrumentation into a new era.

As machine control for construction progresses steadily towards autonomy, its impact and value continue to increase beyond conventional ROI considerations. 

For more than 20 years, SWEPOS, the national RTN of Sweden has consistently demonstrated the full potential of real-time GNSS networks

The 2019 Nepalese and 2020 Chinese surveys of Mount Everest, utilizing advanced tools and techniques, jointly announced the most precise elevation to date of the world’s highest and most famous peak.

Positioning and correction services improve default results — from meters to centimeters — enabling growing markets for high precision applications. Which should you use for your specific needs?

Approaches to providing real-time kinematic (RTK) solutions at high rates have existed in various forms for decades, providing value for high precision applications. This technique is nearly universally adopted in the industry, and many surveyors may have been using it for years without realizing it. Yet there are persistent misconceptions about the subject. 

Have universally adopted subscription models for software, Cloud processing, and collaboration solutions evolved in a manner that best serves AEC?

 The quiet dedication of a hidden hero who made satellite geodesy and global positioning possible.

 Mixed reality for infrastructure and geospatial takes a huge leap forward with the announcement of the HoloLens 2, SYNCHRO XR, and the XR10. 

A conversation with  Charlie Trimble,  GPS pioneer and Trimble Navigation/Inc. co-founder.

A team of U.S. surveyors visited Ecuador to use real-time PPP to pay homage to the 18th-century “Geodesic Mission to the Equator,” one of the most difficult and significant missions in the history of surveying and geodesy.


A visit to CERN for an overview of the large scale metrology activities that support the facility

An overview of a BIM solutions portfolio reveals the essential components for widespread implementation.

The subject of Mars exploration and colonization is red hot. What role might there be for surveyors in this, the grandest of human endeavors?

Removing barriers among surveying, engineering and construction.

Timeless maritime arts and craftwork mixed with modern technologies—including high-precision surveying—are helping reintroduce wind power to seaborne trade.

Moves to modernize surveying, engineering, and construction were already well under way—recent events have simply accelerated the process.

RFID applications for AEC and infrastructure asset location/validation.

While you were waiting for your legacy plotter to finish plotting, wide-format output technology quietly evolved to provide substantial productivity gains and superior quality.

Aerospace Corp's study of approaches for GNSS resiliency and alternate tech for positioning, navigation, and timing

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