報名資訊 Registration

◆ 報名方式:即日起至2022年11月2日(週三)17:00止,採網路報名。




◆ 注意事項

  1. 交通資訊請參考研討會網站。

  2. 主辦單位保留議程安排、地點規劃等相關彈性調整、修改、取消的權利。敬請留意網站及粉專最新公告。

  3. 依照中央流行疫情指揮中心,民眾出入大眾運輸、教育學習場所、展演場所、大型活動等務必配戴口罩。請與會者配合量測體溫措施,體溫超過37.5℃者或未配戴口罩者禁止入場。

  4. 報名者若於錄取後不克出席,請於研討會前3日主動通知主辦單位,以免影響他人權益及日後報名錄取順位。

  5. 主辦單位將於會議中拍照及錄音、錄影,報名研討會視同授權並同意主辦單位得刊登、發表、公開傳輸、上映及重製上述之內容,並得視需要,在不變更出席者原意下,予以編輯、刪節或其他必要之修改。

Online registration will be closed at 5:00 pm on Nov. 2nd, 2022.

Registration: https://forms.gle/v9WvDS77W1Wtp1Dv5

The participant list will be communicated via email on Nov. 3rd, 2022.

Approximately 80 delegates and attendees will be selected and museum professionals, teachers, students and staff members in cultural and educational institutions related to the theme will be taken as priority.


  1. Please see our website to learn more about transportation information.

  2. The organiser reserves the rights to rearrange conference date, program and venue due to any contingency. Therefore, please follow our website and Facebook page for the latest updates.

  3. According to the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, people must wear masks in those locations including public transportation, education and learning venues, exhibition venues, and large-scale events. Please follow the instruction to measure body temperature. Also, please be noted that all persons with a temperature of over 37.5 degrees Celsius or without wearing masks are prohibited from entering the conference.

  4. If you are not able to participate the conference, please let us know by November 11th.

  5. Photos, Video and Audio clips will be taken during the conference. Rights of featuring, publication, public transmission, presentation and reproduce are reserved to the organiser as the organiser has the rights to edit, delete or revise the contents, without changing original intentions of attendees and permission.