GST Arete Programme: 

Legal Disclaimer and Copyright Statement


This programme is made up of a wide range of resources and courses available online, from a variety of reputable providers. This list of resources is not exhaustive and there are many other resources available. We will keep this under review and may update the list from time to time.

Copyright statement

All Intellectual Property Rights and Copyright in the free material provided belongs to the relevant content creator. The below User Terms explain:
  • when and how you can use copyright material (including material that is Crown copyright) including downloading it onto your device
  • when and how you must acknowledge the course provider or the original copyright owner
  • when and where you should include a reference to the Open Government Licence or any specific copyright statement

User terms: Accessing and using the GST Arete Programme

The GST Arete Programme contains a list of online educational resources which has been compiled and is managed by the Griffin Schools Trust (referred to as "we" or "us"). Users are referred to as "you" whether in their individual capacity or as agents or representatives of an organisation they work for. Access to The GST Transition Programme resources through this Website is subject to:
  • the terms and conditions of use of the content creators set out on their websites, including any relevant disclaimers
  • the below GST Transition Programme disclaimer

By accessing The Skills Toolkit, you agree to the terms and conditions of use of The Skills Toolkit, when you view or upload the homepage of The Skills Toolkit through the homepage of the main DfE website published on GOV.UK. When you enrol on any of the online courses, you will be bound by the terms and conditions of use of the relevant course provider.

The GST Arete Programme disclaimer

Although we make every reasonable effort to select appropriate material, we do not have any control over them and, in particular, we are not responsible for:
  • the protection of any information you give to course providers
  • your failure to comply with relevant copyright or other intellectual property right law
  • any loss or damage that may come from any use or misuse of course provider websites, or any other websites they link to (together 'Third Party Websites')

You must not assume that the list of courses on The Skills Toolkit is exhaustive, or that sources or resources that have been omitted are of no value or inappropriate as online educational resources.
You should read all terms and conditions, privacy policies and end user licences that relate to the online courses before you enrol as you will be bound by their terms when you enrol.
You are responsible for choosing which online course for which you want to enrol and we will not have any responsibility if your selected online course does not meet your requirements or provide the learning you require.
You agree to release us from any claims or disputes that may arise from your use of Third Party Websites.

Please Note:

  • All of these are free courses. They all feature ads, so click on ‘remove ads’ and you’ll see the content.
  • Only give out the briefest of information e.g. name and email. Never give your telephone number.
  • One site asks for a Date of Birth to know which school year you are in, which is fine.
  • Some professional Future Learn courses offer the chance to engage with other students on their moderated portal. This is NOT recommended for year 11 students. Please do not use it.