Parent Page


Due to the fact that we are a participating C.A.T.C.H school, no birthday treats will be allowed in the lunchroom or classroom. PTA will provide a birthday treat, school-wide, once per month. We will celebrate summer birthdays in May. Birthday invitations may only be given out as long as each child in the class is invited.


A – 90-100

B – 80-89

C – 70-79

D – 60-69

F – 50-59

Parent Notes

All notes must have the following information: the date, teacher name, student's first and last name, and a parent signature.

All absences require a note when the student returns, regardless of the excuse.

A student must be present for at least 3.25 hours of instructional time to receive credit for the day.

Weekly Folders

You will receive your child’s Teacher/Parent Communicator Folder on Tuesdays. Please have your child return the folder on Wednesdays.

Parent Participation

Throughout the school year there will be a variety of special classroom activities and celebrations. I encourage you to attend these functions when possible and to support them. Your support of school activities makes your child feel important and sends the message that you value school.


Lunch money is collected in the cafeteria. It can be paid daily or weekly. Money may be deposited into your child’s account. Please read the menu for daily lunch selections and price information. Menus are subject to change.No “fast foods” are allowed in the lunch room for students, teachers, staff, parents, or guests.

School Attendance

Your child’s regular and prompt attendance at school is crucial to his/her success. Most of our learning activities are group oriented and involve interaction with classmates. Please view school as a priority, and see to it that your child attends every day, except in cases of illness or an emergency. Please try to schedule medical appointments after school hours or on student holidays.

Changes in Transportation

If you wish for your child's transportation to change for a particular day, please send a written note. If no note is received, your child will be sent home by his/her usual method of transportation.

Early Dismissals

Please send a note in the morning if you plan to pick your child up early. Check in at the office to sign your child out and the office staff will call for your child to meet you there. There will be no early dismissals after 2 p.m.