All About Me and Our Class

Our classroom is a showcase of learning and leadership!

Mrs. Franklin

I have lived in Greenville, S.C. all of my life. This is my 40th year of teaching. I attended Clemson University. I have my master's plus 30 from Clemson University. I am certified to teach Elementary Education and Learning Disabilities. My master's degree is in the area of guidance counseling. I have two children, one dog, and a wonderful husband. I enjoy reading, baking tasty treats, and shopping. I enjoy going to the movies when I get a chance.

Our Second Grade Class

We are a second grade class of eager learners. Our class enjoys reading good books, working math problems, and writing our thoughts, poems, and stories in our writing journals. Second graders enjoy helping each other and playing fun games at recess. To enhance our learning, we like going to art, p.e., and music each week. We go to the library every chance we can. Our guidance counselor comes to visit us once a month with a new character building theme. Our class enjoys many field trips, guest speakers, and special activities. Second grade is a fun place to be! Greatness begins here!