
Dear Parent/Guardian,

Welcome to Northwood Middle School! I am looking forward to a great year with your child. It is my hope that during the year your child will develop an appreciation for and a better understanding of mathematics. I believe it is important to allow students to take an actively responsible role in their education. This includes not only classroom participation but also a role in keeping communications open between school and home.

Parental involvement increases student success. I encourage you to become familiar with the textbook format and the concepts addressed. Ask your child what we are working on in class, and ask to see his/her homework or notes. You may help your child with his/her work if you feel comfortable doing so, but please be sure that he/she understands any special techniques you use. Extra help is available by request. It is the student’s responsibility to set up a time with me.

I look forward to working with you and your child this year. Should you have any questions during the school year concerning your child’s progress, you may call my voice mail at (864-355-7033) to set up a conference or you may e-mail me at tfjones@greenville.k12.sc.us


Ms. Tera Jones