Homework & School Calendar

Please read daily with your students! You will find reading passages and reading logs in their yellow folders. Please sign the log anytime you listen to them read. They are very proud of their time spent reading to others, not to mention the improvement they experience when they read aloud everyday.  Praise them for trying to become a better reader! Thank you for your help in making your child the best reader they can be! 

For East North Street School Calendar click on our website below:

Reading aloud daily improves fluency for every student.  The more they read, the better their fluency and the broader their vocabulary. The better their fluency and vocabulary, the better their comprehension.  With great fluency and comprehension skills, students have a better chance of reading on their grade level and making the best grades possible.

What does a fluent reader look like?

 Fluent readers read with expression!

Fluent readers make connections!

Fluent readers understand what they are reading!

Fluent readers read like they are speaking!