Classroom Expectations

Expectations for Student Behavior

I believe that all students have the right to learn in a nurturing, and safe environment. The nature of Greenville County's Challenge program sets high expectations for academic performance and classroom behavior, as do I. I believe that every student should have the opportunity to manage his or her own behavior, and be held accountable for their choices. When we all work together, great things can be accomplished!

Classroom expectations:

1. Be kind to yourself, your peers and your instructor.

2. Be respectful to yourself and those around you.

3. Be prepared both mentally and physically.

4. Try your best.

Classroom rewards are:

1. Praise and compliments; positive reinforcement

2. Special treats and/or activities

3. Notes, emails or telephone calls to parents and students.

Consequences for unwise or unsafe choices include:

1. Verbal warning

2. Confer with teacher for further consequences

3. Note home

4. Phone call

5. Referrals for severe disruptions or behavior

To meet individual needs of all our students, personalized behavior plans will be developed when warranted. Such individual plans may include behavior contracts, special rewards for reaching individual goals, positive reinforcement for achievable standards, behavior modification techniques, etc.