French 2 Syllabus

INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: T'Es Branche , Textbook & Workbook, authentic materials from TV5 Monde and Radio France Internationale, Podcast Français Facile, newspaper, and additional teacher made materials.

Course Description: This French course builds on the skills acquired in French one. More than in French 1, French is made the language of instruction as much as possible. We continue to develop skills in speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Consistent with the South Carolina State framework, emphasis is put on communication, cultural awareness, interdisciplinary connections, drawing comparisons between the target language and other cultures, and the use of French within the school and the global community.


During the semester, we will cover four units:

Who Am I?

How Have I Changed?

What Are My Choices?

Where Am I Going?


Standard 2.1: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and the perspectives of the cultures studied.

Standard 2.2: Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.


RESPECT AND RESPONSIBILITY. Students must act respectfully toward each other and the teacher. They will show responsibility by: being on time, coming to class prepared, following directions, not disrupting class, and not bringing foods and drinks in the classroom.


All students are expected to:

  1. check their Google Classroom daily for updates and important communications from the teacher.

  2. follow all instructions regarding daily assignments that will be posted in Google Classroom.

  3. bring to class their French binder, pen and pencil daily

  4. come to class with their Chromebook charged and ready to be used during class

PS. I will be available for conferences and student help during my planning period, from 2:30 to 3:30.

Assessments and grading policy

Student growth and performance will be assessed on a regular basis, on all units, through quizzes, class work, oral presentations, and tests. They will be scored as follows. 60% major assessments, 40% minor assessments.

New grading scale

A= 90 - 100

B= 80 - 89

C=70 - 79

D= 60 - 69


For questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me at one of the following:

Phone # 355 -5749

E-mail: or


  • Chromebook

  • Earbuds compatible with Chromebook

  • Single subject binder with clear pocket (for in-school students)

  • Textbook (online through Backpack - tutorial will be provided)

  • Workbook (online through Backpack - will be provided)

To access the online textbook, go to and sign in your backpack on the portal. Click on Education App. Click on EMC Passport. Log in with Active Directory. Click on tab with no archive. Click on the little book on the top right. Click on Resources for textbook, workbook, etc...

Website: Information about the class will be posted in my lesson plans, on my website and in Google Classroom weekly. There, you will find current topics being studied, announcements, due dates for homework, assignments, projects, and upcoming quizzes and tests. In case of absences, contact me for makeup work. I will be available for help during the 4th block, from 2:30 to 3:40.

Make up work

Missing work will be made up within 5 days after students have returned to school when absences were excused. Class work not completed on time will be given 50 to 75 % if a student turns it in within 2 school days. It is the student’s responsibility to inquire about work that needs to be made up. A zero will be given for all assignments not made up during the allowed time.

Assessment / Grading Policy

Major assignments: 60%

Minor Assignments: 40 %


All students are expected to:

  1. check their Google Classroom daily for updates and important communications from the teacher.

  2. follow all instructions regarding daily assignments that will be posted in Google Classroom.

  3. bring to class their French binder daily.

  4. come to class with their Chromebook charged and ready to be used during class

  5. I will be available for conferences and student help during my planning period, from 2:30 to 3:30.

New grading scale

A= 90 - 100

B= 80 - 89

C=70 - 79

D= 60 - 69


For questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me at one of the following:

Phone # 355 -5749; E-mail: or

MATERIALS / T'es Branche online

  • Chromebook

  • Earbuds compatible with Chromebook

  • Single subject binder with clear pocket (for in-school students)

  • Textbook (online through Backpack - tutorial will be provided)

  • Workbook (online through Backpack - will be provided)

To access the online textbook, go to and sign in your backpack on the portal. Click on Education App. Click on EMC Passport. Log in with Active Directory. Click on tab with no archive. Click on the little book on the top right. Click on Resources for textbook, workbook, etc...