Meet Mrs. Crow

Hello! My name is Savannah Crow and this will be my third year at Hillcrest High School! GO RAMS! I am excited for this new year and all of its challenges and possibilities!

I grew up in Duncan, SC and attended Byrnes High School. I was inspired by my great teacher Ms. Little to pursue Art Education as a career. After graduating high school in 2016, I went on to Converse College (now Converse University) to receive my bachelors in Art Education with a minor in Art History. While in college, I found a love for oil paint and welding! I was surrounded by wonderful professors that made me excited to jump into teaching. I graduated college in 2020 in the depths of COVID and was not able to walk across the stage until the following year! I am happy to call Hillcrest High School my home! I love exploring and learning along with all of my students. 

I currently live in Greer, SC with my wonderful spouse of three years and our two sweet pups! My puppies are my children! I have a three year old Husky named Sasha and a one year old Husky/Pit mix named Mabel.

Communication Policy

Students and parents are welcome to contact me at any time regarding any questions, issues, or concerns they are facing within the course. 

Google Voice: This goes to my personal cell phone and is the quickest/easiest way to call me. You do not need google voice to use this number. This works like a normal cell phone number. You may call or text me through this number. If you call and I do not answer, please leave a voicemail with your name, number, and message. I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Backpack: I will periodically communicate with parents and students via Backpack. To receive this information, verify and update your contact information in the Parent Portal. If you are unable to do so, contact the counselor’s office at 864-355-3519.

Parent Conferences: Parent and teacher conferences can be scheduled with Mrs. Crow. I will work with your schedule to make sure your and your students' needs are being met. These meetings are not required by the district but can be set up during the school week at the request of the parent. These meetings can be conducted either in person or through a google meet/zoom. 

Please note: Any parent/guardian with a student making a 70% or below will be contacted to discuss academic performance.  This discussion will include the performance, current grade, and plan for success/course completion for the student. This is a policy required by Greenville County Schools. 


Policies align with HHS standards.

Bathroom Policy: Except in the case of an emergency, students will not be allowed to go to the bathroom during the first 10 minutes of class and the last 10 minutes of class. Most of the bathrooms will be locked during this time. In order to go to the restroom, students must fill out the “Smartpass” found in the class link. Students will then take the pink restroom pass and go to the assigned pink restroom on the 1st floor (basement). The student must turn around their computer, so the teacher may see the timer for the student. Once the student has returned, they will turn off the smartpass and return the pink restroom pass to the teacher.

 When students leave the room, regardless of destination, students must acquire a hall pass from the teacher. 

Please note:

Safety Policy: Students may use tools that could cause injury, such as exacto knives, other cutting tools, etc. Each time such a tool is introduced, students will be clearly informed of the proper way to use the tools. Although every effort will be made to facilitate the proper handling of tools, accidents may occur. If they do, they will be handled quickly, safely, and with all students’ best interest as a priority. 

Food and Drink Policy: Due to the nature of materials that are used within the classroom, students must not eat food within the classroom. We will be working with materials that will enter the air that may contaminate food or open drinks (i.e. charcoal, clay, chalk, oil paint). Drinks can be within the classroom but they must have a screw or closed top. This will also prevent student work from becoming damaged due to spills or stains caused by food or drink. 

Technology Policy and Personal Electronic Devices: Students will be required to use their laptops almost daily to access google classroom. Phones can be used to document their work during the course or further their artistic investigation. Being unprepared for class & misusing PEDs significantly, negatively impacts grades and learning.  It also violates the classroom rules for respect and personal responsibility. Refusal to comply with expectations is considered a disciplinary issue and will have consequences.

Make Up Work:  Students will have five days after the excused absence to make up the assignment. Each student is responsible for asking the teacher for any missed assignments. Missing assignments should be completed outside of the classroom. 

Late Work: If an assignment is not turned in by the date listed in class and/or google classroom then the assignment will be considered late. Every day that the assignment is late, there will be 10 points deducted from the assignment grade. After 5 days, the assignment will be accepted but the assignment will be given a 60. The student may receive a higher than a 60 at the teacher’s discretion. In order to receive full credit for the assignment, students must attend an academic remediation to complete the assignment for full credit.  Art Remediation or Studio Time will be hosted on Tuesdays after school from 3:45 to 5 pm.