Personal and Social Resources

Personal & Social Resources

The J.L. Mann High School Counseling Department understands that students have various needs throughout high school, including personal/social needs. We attempt to meet those needs through one-on-one brief counseling with your individual school counselor, group counseling, and classroom guidance. When necessary, we will refer students to outside counselors or agencies. Families should feel free to contact their individual counselors if you have any concerns or questions.

Greenville County TEEN CRISIS Line

(864) 467-8336

South Carolina School Violence Hotline


South Carolina United Way Community Resources

Greenville Mental Health Center

(864) 241-1040

Carolina Center for Behavioral Health

1-800-866-4673 (HOPE)

Phoenix Center: Substance Abuse Assistance

(864) 467-4747

Aunt Bertha: Search for free or reduced cost services like medical care, food, job training, and more.