eLearning Info and Schedule

eLearning Schedule

8:15-8:30 Daily Preparation

8:30 - 9:15 1st period

9:20- 10:05 2nd period

10:10- 10:55 3rd period

11:00- 12:15 Lunch

12:20 - 1:05 4th period

1:10 - 1:55 5th period

2:00 - 2:45 6th period

eLearning days are determined by the district based on a number of factors. Student attendance will be taken after the first five minutes of class. Students will need to log in to Google Meet in order to be counted as present for the eLearning day. Please contact by email if attendance is not possible (due to power outage, loss of internet, etc.).

Google Classroom Tutorial.mp4