




Seddrick Bell (sbell@greenville.k12.sc.us)

Course Description

This elective course is for students who are interested in improving their interpersonal communication skills and who wish to increase their confidence in delivering oral presentations. The course includes instruction in one-on-one communication, group discussion, oral presentation, topic selection, audience analysis, research and composition skills, and presentation techniques. This course does not take the place of any required English course.

Desired Outcomes

1. Effective communication - Students will work on developing both their verbal and written communication skills.

2. Collaborative learning - Students will actively critique the work of their fellow classmates. Additionally, a number of the assignments such as student congress, debate, duo interpretation and the maintaining of cooperative file systems requires collaboration.

3. Complex thinking - Students will work on designing thoughtful presentations that will appeal to a variety of audiences. During debates, students will examine not only the points that they intend to make, but will also anticipate the arguments made by their opponents and be prepared to respond to the contentions.

4. Effective problem –solving - Students will learn how to adapt to suggestions. Additionally, students will learn how to deal with various problems or challenges every time they deliver a speech.

5. Life long learning - The ability to speak in public is a skill that one needs throughout life. It is the aim of this course to empower individuals to have confidence in their ability to speak in a public forum. Once they have acquired basic skills in public speaking, they will have the courage and interest to continue to strengthen these skills through out their lives.


Exceeding five absences is cause for a student to lose credit for the course.

Every class period is essential. The student is responsible for all material presented in class. If a student’s absence is excused, it is his / her responsibility to follow the instructor’s makeup work procedures. Students have five school days to make up missed work. If the absence is unexcused, students may not make up the work.

Class Expectations

1. Students will do ALL performances assigned.

2. Students will follow posted classroom rules and school rules.

3. Students will give all oral assignments on the assigned day. If the student is not prepared (i.e., not being memorized, not bringing materials to class, doesn’t want to, etc.) he/she will not receive credit for the assignment. Barring an excused tardy or absence, no extra time will be given for oral presentations. Students must understand that lack of preparation cheats the rest of the class and the instructor out of learning.

4. All written assignments must be turned in on time. Barring an excused tardy or absence, late assignments will receive a 0.

5. The stage is sacred. All talking is to cease when the teacher is talking or when a speaker is in front of the room ready to speak. The use of cell phones during presentations is prohibited. Questions or comments will be taken after the presentation.

6. Students are to remain in their seats while presentations are given.

7. Students are given 5 minutes in between each class. This time is to be used to get materials from their locker and to use the restroom if necessary. If at all possible, please do not disrupt class by asking to leave in order to conduct these activities. Use the time in between classes wisely. Accommodations will be made for emergencies & students with medical issues.


The course will consist of academic tests/quizzes, as well as lectures, discussion, and a great deal of individualized or small group work. Speech is designed for the student who is capable of working well on his/her own, while being able to share a great deal with others through normal class participation and presentations.


  1. Charged Chromebook

  2. Chromebook Charger

  3. Pen, Pencil, and highlighter

  4. Headphones and/or earbuds

Suggested: stop watch, book of quotations

Text (as needed)

There is no textbook for this class. Supplementary texts will consist of materials from debate handbooks, speech textbooks, literature texts, essays and speeches, and philosophy texts.

Grade Calculation

Your average for each nine weeks will be based on the following:

60% major tests, projects, and speeches

40% homework, class work, and other daily grades (including participation)

Tentative Schedule

First Quarter

Week # Content Covered

1 Intro to Course, Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Communication, Listening Effectively

2 Building a Speech (Audience, Content, Organization, Visual Aids, Appearance), Performing a Speech (Poise, Voice, Life, Eye Contact, Gestures, Speed)

3 Coping with Stage Fright, Informative Speech w/partner; Object Speech

4 Chalk Talk ; Demonstration Speech

5 Methods of Delivery (Impromptu, Extemporaneous, Memorized, Manuscript); Personal Experience Storytelling

6 Most Embarrassing Moment Speech; Quotation Speech

7 Current Event Speech; Panel Discussion

8 Impromptu Speeches

9 Declamation

Second Quarter

Week# Content Covered

1 Cutting and preparation of oral materials, writing introductions, analyzing characters, practicing characterization, and narrative skills

2 Prose interpretations ; Poetry interpretations

3 Children’s literature ; Movie monologue

4 SPAR Debate ; Public Forum Debate

5 Public Forum Debate

6 Public Forum Debate

7 Public Forum Debate

8 Acceptance speech

9 Eulogy

*The instructor reserves the right to make any changes to this syllabus as necessary.