RGS Athletic Handbook

Academics: As a member of the athletic program, you are called a “student athlete”. The word student comes before the word athlete. As a student athlete you are expected to perform and behave in the school community (classroom, hallways, cafeteria, buses, and etc.). Academics are the first priority of a student athlete. Practice and playing time can and will be limited if a student athlete is performing or behaving poorly in any aspect of the community. You must maintain a 60 or above in each class including Related Arts. The Athletic Director will be checking grades on a weekly basis throughout the season. If a student is placed on academic probation, they must participate in practice, but they cannot dress out for a game. As a student athlete, you must keep up with my school work and behave in a way that is respectful to everyone. 

Attitude and Sportsmanship: Student athletes are representing Rudolph Gordon School, their families, themselves, and their coach/teammates. Remember your teammates are working with you, not against you. At no point will it be acceptable to put down a teammate. A player shall never speak to a referee/umpire unless asked to do so by the official or coach. At no time should an athlete use profanity or taunt members of the opposing team. If a student athlete receives a suspension (ISS/OSS) they will have consequences when it comes to playing time. ISS–sitting out half a game; OSS–sitting out an entire game. Athletes and their parents must demonstrate sportsmanship during all competitions/games. Any display of unsportsmanlike conduct will result in a consequence. Each athlete will be temporarily given a RGS uniform to be worn during the season. The athlete is responsible for returning the uniform to their coach after the season is over. The parents of the athlete will be charged for each item not returned OR damaged. As a student athlete, you must agree that you will play the game with respect and represent the school, myself, the team, and the coach in a positive manner. 

Attendance: Players are expected to be at every practice, game, and meeting. If a player does not practice the week of a game, they are subject to not participating in the game. All excused absences should be communicated to the coach before they happen. Missing practice or meetings due to detention or suspension will be counted as an unexcused absence. As a student athlete, you must agree that you will be at every practice, meeting, and game. Otherwise, you will need to communicate with the coach before any excused absence. 

Please see page 45 of the Rudolph Gordon School Student handbook also: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j84B15ifLCvszh0Jdc6-r15p1nIcGMcu/view

If you have any questions regarding this contract, please don’t hesitate to to call or email the athletic director or coach. 

Rudolph Gordon School Athletic Director: AJ Jeffcoat ajeffcoat@greenville.k12.sc.us 

Principal: Dr. Meredith Welch mmwelch@greenville.k12.sc.us 

7th Grade Administrator: Carrie McCain cmccain@greenville.k12.sc.us  

8th Grade Administrator: Lauren Nagelkirk mnagelkirk@greenville.k12.sc.us 

Emergency Action Plan Procedures

Rudolph Gordon School


Lockdown: All players/spectators need to enter the male and female locker rooms. Each door must be locked as well as the perimeter doors inside the gym. If there is not enough room, the rooms along the gym (training area/storage area can also be used). 

Fire Drill: Everyone must exit out the exit towards the front of the school. Goal is to get to the furthest, safest point possible. The parking lot/grassy area towards Scuffletown Road is the best spot. 

Tornado Drill: For a tornado drill, lockdown procedures can also be implemented due to the safety of the locker rooms. If further room is needed the hallway to the back of the stage can also be used. 

Earthquake Drill: Everyone needs to enter the locker room and kneel and cover their head. If more room is needed, people can enter the hallway behind the stage and kneel and cover their head. 

Spring Sports (Baseball, Softball, and Soccer-Outside Locations)

Lockdown: Will not enter back into the building. Will move towards Jones Mill Rd away from the school. 

Fire Drill: All teams/spectators need to stay on their field in an orderly fashion. The fields are the best locations to stay at during a fire. 

Tornado Drill: Teams need to enter the building immediately and go to the locker rooms. If spectators are involved, they can also enter the locker rooms or use the hallway behind the stage. 


All coaches are CPR/First Aid certified. Follow all protocols as directed by your certification in case of an injury to a player. If a certified trainer is available, allow the trainer to take charge and be an assistant only as needed and guided. Make sure that all parties are safe in times of injury. This includes the injured as well as the other athletes. Always keep a cell phone on standby so it can be used to dial for emergency. If your team has multiple coaches, allow the assistant coach to dial for help or go to the main office for assistance from another adult. The head coach needs to stay with the injured player for all necessary purposes. If only one coach is present, implement a strategic plan using student to assist. For example, at the beginning of the season, choose multiple students to be helpers in times of emergency. These students will retrieve help from the main office. Practices and games should be during office hours. Also, a plan should be implemented within each team if a coach is hurt. Students should be placed in charge to retrieve help from the main office. Implementing these safety measures are important so that all participants are safe. Injuries should be documented by the coach and documentation of the injury should be given to the Athletic Director or a Principal. 

Location for AED: In the hallway directly across from the Middle School Gym next to the individual bathrooms. 


Other Athletic Procedures


Will be 1 day per week from 3-4 pm. Students can sign-up but must have a parent pick them up at 4 pm. If students’ rides are late, they will not be permitted to participate the following session. Students need to dress appropriately according to dress code. All middle school students are allowed to participate. However, if a student is involved in a Rudolph Gordon Sport (in season), they will not be allowed to participate due to team practices. Once that sport is out of season, students would be allowed to participate. 


Tryouts will begin at specific time periods. These dates will be set by Greenville County Schools. Tryouts need to be a minimum of 2 days. Each coach needs to provide a player evaluation. This helps provide true feedback for your evaluation of the player. Having your evaluation documented provides solid ground. However, exceptions to the above can be made if there are only enough players to fill a team to the minimum quantity. 

Practice Schedules

All practice schedules need to be sent to Coach Jeffcoat and Steve Smith (Plant Engineer). This helps the custodial staff plan and also know who is on campus at specific times. Schedules will then be sent to Dr. Welch.