Course Syllabus

Government-- Mr. Steadman 

Room #: C128

Contact Phone #: 355-2869

Email Address:;

Course Description:

This course is an overview of the  Government of the United States at the Federal as state and local level.  Students will read supplementary materials and analyze, synthesize, and evaluate new information as they develop critical thinking skills.  

Grading :

Tests/Projects: 60%

All other assignments: 40%

Final Exam: 10%  of overall grade (per district requirement) 

Required Materials: 

3 ring binder                   Loose leaf Paper     

Pen or Pencil                   Chromebook

Late Work Policy

Teachers reserve the right to alter this policy based on extenuating circumstances. 

• Late work is defined as work not completed/turned in on time even though the student attended the class.

• Any assignment which is not turned in on time will be deducted 10 points off of the original grade earned for

each school day the assignment is late up to five days.

• After five days, the student will be assigned a 0 for the assignment.

• Late work will not be accepted after the end of a grading period.

• Students who have 504/IEP/ESOL accommodations specifically allowing for extra time may exceed the 5 day

window to maintain compliance with their respective educational plan.

• Dual Credit courses may have varying late work policies that are aligned with their parent university.

• Students are encouraged to utilize the before and after school tutoring programs to complete make-up and late

work in a proactive manner.

Classroom Rules: 

Some of the topics we will cover this year:

Click the link below for the EHS late work policy: 
