Lego Robotics

AJW is "all in" when it comes to Legos! You'll find Duplos and Legos in every classroom and lab in our building. And wait until you see my Lego office! In addition to using Legos and Lego robotics extensively to support classroom curriculum, we also have a variety of afterschool teams and summer camps.

Junior Lego Robotics - for 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. We have identical fall and spring sessions. Over the course of the school year, AJW has 24 Junior FLL teams, each of which competes in one of two "Junior Lego Showcases" at AJW.

First Lego League (FLL) Robotics - for 4th and 5th graders. We have one team that will compete regionally and at the state level. In 2013, one of our Lego Teams was invited to participate in the European Open Championship with teams from 35 different countries! Each year since, AJW has had at least one team advance to the State Championship.

Congratulations to the Agents of Fury Lego robotics team. For the 2018-19 season, the Agents of Fury won:

  • Nomination to Global Innovation Award (GIA) competition for SC at the Charleston STEMfest

  • Advancement to SC State Championship

  • 2nd Place, Core Values Award - Mauldin Regional Qualifier

  • 1st Place, Technical Award - Robot Fall Fest scrimmage

  • 1st Place, Robot Runs - Sterling Storm Scrimmage

For the 2017-18 season, the Agents of Fury won:

  • Best Project Award - Due West Scrimmage

  • Champion's Award - Sterling Storm Scrimmage

  • 1st Place, Robot Performance - Sterling Storm Scrimmage

  • Robot Design Award - Mauldin Scrimmage

  • Advancement to SC State Championship

For the 2016-17 season, the Agents of Fury won:

  • 2nd Place Champion's Award - Greenville Regional FLL Tournament

  • Winner - Robot Programming Award - SC State Championship

Agents of Fury 2018-19

Camp Lego - During the summer, AJW offers Lego robotics camps for all ability and age levels.

  • Camp WeDo is for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students. Students learn the basics of Lego programming and building with gears, levers and other basic robotic machines.

  • Camp Lego I is beginning instruction in EV3 MineStorm robotics. Designed for rising 4th-6th grade students, this robotics camp teaches students to design, build, and program autonomous robots to complete "missions" on a tabletop course.

  • Camp Lego II is advanced instruction in EV3 MineStorm robotics. This advance camp is for 4th-7th grade students that have prior experience or have completed Camp Lego I. It focuses on advanced building and programming with "My Blocks." Campers learn how to use sensors to program an autonomous robot with reliability.

Lego Story Starter - allows children to build specific scenes from history or whatever they can imagine. As the name suggests, this product supports writing and other academic skills, helping students understand sequence, descriptive writing, and complex events. Story Starter is used by 3rd, 4th and 5th grades throughout the year as well as after school and during summer academic programs.