Pregnant &

Parenting Services

Pregnant and Parenting Students

As of the 2012-2013 school year, GCSD created a new service delivery model for all pregnant and parenting students (PPS). The goal of this model is to provide a coordinated, systematic partnership with health and community agencies so students can achieve academic success and ultimately graduate. The School Social Workers work closely with administrators, school counselors, school clerks, attendance clerks, attendance supervisors, nurses, homeless liaison and drop-out prevention specialists to monitor grades, behavior, attendance and medical issues.

While being a teenager and a parenting student may be challenging, all identified students have the support to assist them in completing their education. In addition, each pregnant or parenting student has access to a school social worker to assist them in navigating through the health and social service communities.

How Can I Benefit?

  • Academic success to promote high school graduation

  • Parenting classes and forums

  • Safe Sleep Education

  • Financial assistance for child care through community agencies

  • Connect to community resources

  • Referrals to pediatricians or obstetricians

  • Identify alternative educational opportunities

  • Assistance with obtaining child support

  • Assistance with baby items

  • Support during pregnancy and after delivery

  • Accompany you to medical and community appointments

  • Coordinate prenatal care

  • Car seat safety

  • Promote the health and safety of mother and child