Firewalls and Blocking

What is a Firewall?

A firewall is part of a computer system or network designed to block unauthorized access to external users and websites while permitting outward communication.

The GCSD firewall follows students on their Chromebooks and works even more strongly when students take the devices off of district property. If your student is having trouble accessing the internet on home or public wi-fi, it is because of this firewall.

Students can authenticate a trusted wi-fi source when they are off school property. Click here to view or download the instructions to authenticate their Chromebook.

Many hands make light work. The same goes for extra sets of eyes!

Millions of new websites are created every day worldwide, so it is impossible for us to catch every new page as it comes along. With your help, we can work together to make sure sites with inappropriate content is added to our list of blocked sites.

Use this form to submit a request to block a website. We will review the content, and if we feel it is in our students' best interest, we will submit the site to GCSD for blocking.

Please note: We are not currently able to block sites for individual students.