Multilingual Learner Program (MLP) 

el Programa de Inglés para Hablantes de Otro Idioma 


External emails sometimes go to junk mail. I apologize if I missed your email. Call me if I do not respond. 24 hours to return communication.

Los correos electrónicos externos a veces van al correo basura. Pido disculpa si no veo tu correo electrónico. Llámame si no respondo. 24 horas para devolver la comunicación 

 voicemail:  864-355-3728 

(bilingual, English/Spanish)  



                                    Description of Students

There are approximately 110 students in the ML program. These students are identified through the home language survey that is filled out during enrollment. If there is a language other than English listed, students are screened and can qualify for the program based on a screener score. They receive support to help them develop English language skills necessary for success in the classroom.