8th Grade

Orchestra: 8th Grade Syllabus

School: Greenville Middle Academy

Directors: Anne Matthews, Margaret Walser

School phone: 864-355-5654

Extra help available as needed

Course description:

Strings 8: This course is a continuation of Strings 7 for violin, viola, cello, and string bass. Advanced-level middle school literature will be studied. The curriculum includes the development of fundamental skills, concepts, composition, cooperative learning, and music as it relates to history and culture, and strings techniques. The class will include an expectation for the purchase or rental of an instrument and individual practice at home. Concert performances will be an outgrowth of the study of musical concepts. PREREQUISITE: Strings 7 or permission of instructor


String Techniques for Superior Musical Performance by Robert Frost

Students will need a composition notebook (bound) and a pencil each day. In addition music will be distributed that should be kept in the folder provided and brought to class each day. Students are expected to procure an instrument in proper working order with rosin, shoulder rest for violin and viola and rock stop for cellos and basses.

Grading Policy:

  • Major Assessments (50%): Performances, major tests, practice records
  • Minor Assessments (50%): Daily grades, minor playing tests, journal, quizzes

The teacher will monitor and adjust classroom procedures and schedule as needed. For specific course objectives and standards, please visit the South Carolina Department of Education at www.ed.sc.gov.


National Music Education Course Standards

Standard 1-Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

Standard 2-Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music

Standard 3-Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments

Standard 4-Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines

Standard 5-Reading and notating music

Standard 6-Listening to, analyzing and describing music

Standard 7-Evaluating music and music performances

Standard 8-Understanding relationships between music, the other arts and disciplines outside the arts

Standard 9-Understanding music in relation to history and culture.


Component 1: Aesthetic Perception: Concept development: Pitch, Rhythm, Harmony, Texture, Form, Tempo, Dynamics

Component 2: Creative Expression: Skills development: Singing, Playing, Movement, Reading, Writing, Creating, Listening

Component 3: Musical Heritage: Historical and Cultural: Personal heritage, Musical heritage, Social heritage, Historic heritage

Component 4: Aesthetic Valuing: Application of Knowledge and Skills: Cultural background, Function of music, Judgment, Structure and Elements, Valuing Course Objectives:


The following course objectives are based on the National Music Education Course Standards, and the South Carolina Music Education Achievement Standards.


  • Perform all major scales, one octave.
  • C, D, F, E, E-flat two octave, a, e, d, c minor scales (S.S 1, 2, 4 )
  • Be able to tune own instrument (S.S 1, 2 )
  • Use vibrato consistently (S.S 1, 2 )
  • Demonstrate understanding of bow distribution and bow speed (S.S 1, 2, 4 )
  • Be able to perform dotted sixteenth note patterns and syncopation (S.S 1, 2 )
  • Perform pieces using second, third, fourth and fifth position (S.S 1, 2 )
  • Demonstrate refined shifting technique (S.S 1, 2)
  • Be able to recognize and perform harmonics (S.S 1, 2 )
  • Read treble clef- (viola) and tenor clef (cello) (S.S 1, 2 )
  • Define the circle of fifths, order of sharps and flats, perform and construct major and minor scales (S.S 1, 2, 4 )

Syllabus for First Quarter

Unit I: Review of C, G and D major scales and shifting to third position (4 weeks)

a. C major scale, shifting

b. G major scale, shifting

c. D major scale, shifting

d. Concert Repertoire (ongoing through term)

Unit II. Scale theory and vocabulary and history (2 weeks)

e. key signature review

f. written scale and key signature review

g. Who was JS Bach?

h. Who was Mahler?

Unit III. Rhythms and Bowing (1 week)

i. dotted quarter review

j. intro to dotted 8th and 16th

k. hooked and legato bowing

Unit IV. Sight reading (2 weeks)

l. sight reading in ancillary key and position pieces

m. understanding and charting STARS (sight reading acronym)

Syllabus for Second Quarter

Unit V : A major and flat major scales, shifting to second, third and fifth position(4 weeks)

a. A major scale, shifting

b. F major scale (intro to 2nd position)

c. Bb major scale, shifting

d. Concert Repertoire (ongoing through term)

Unit VI. Scale theory and vocabulary (2 weeks)

e. half steps/whole steps

f. written scale and key signature

Unit VII. Intro to second position (2 weeks)

g. 2nd position location, movement to and from

h . position worksheets

Unit VIII . Rhythms and Bowing (1 week)

i. 16th note studies

Syllabus for Third Quarter

Unit IX: Intro to minor scales and shifting continued (4 weeks)

a. A minor scale

b. D minor scale

c. G minor scale

d. Concert Repertoire (ongoing through term)

Unit X. Scale theory and vocabulary (3 weeks)

e. musical form/composition

f. written scale and key signature

Unit XI. Rhythms and Bowing (2 week)

g. Syncopation

h. Studies in 6/8 time

Syllabus for Fourth Quarter

Unit XII : Eb major, C and E minor scales and shifting continued(4 weeks)

a. Eb major scale

b. C minor scale

c. E minor scale

d. Concert Repertoire (ongoing through term)

Unit XIII: Scale theory and vocabulary (2 weeks)

e. enharmonic worksheet

f. written scale and key signature

Unit XIV: Intro to Chromatics (1 week)

g. definition, examples

Unit XV . Refining bowstrokes: spiccato (1 week)

h. execution, descriptions

Unit XVI: Composition/improvisation exercise (1 week)