
Nicole Lunghi’s Syllabus for 2023-2024

Heritage Elementary School

Special Education:

Communicating with Parents:

I strongly believe that parent involvement and communication are key to a student’s success.  It is therefore important that you know I am available to listen to concerns and questions about your child’s progress.  Please make an appointment to meet with me face to face.  My school phone is on a voice mail system and connects to my email which I check frequently throughout the day.  I will be more than happy to respond to either a phone message or email message during my planning or before or after school.  I will also be using the following methods to communicate with you:

-        Website: I aim to keep an updated website with a calendar and information about our classroom. Please check it often for up to date information.

-        Positive and negative phone calls home

-        Positive and negative notes home

-        Syllabus. This is a great way to get a grasp of information about the classroom. The Syllabus will remain on the website

-        Letters. Often I will need to contact you through a letter. It is important that you read the letter and respond as needed.

-        Progress reports and Report cards

Course Description

The purpose of the special education resource is to help students achieve success in their reading, writing or math skills.  Students placed in the resource classroom must meet their IEP goals set out for the year. It is my goal as the teacher to take each student to the next level of reading, writing and math using  the current standards as a guide to their IEP goals. The course will consist of reading, writing and math activities and lessons to guide and develop each student’s skills.  


All materials are provided by the teacher for the resource classroom

-         2 Pocket folder to be kept in classroom with work samples and materials

-        Pencils

-        Notebook paper

-        Any donations to the classroom for hand sanitizer,  Kleenex,  snacks,  paper card stock, or other materials is greatly appreciated.

Instructional Materials and Texts

Because students are working on their IEP goals, materials and texts used change frequently.

-       Math:  manipulatives, math workbooks, tests, quizzes  to grade and ability level course work

-       Reading: Guided reading text supplemental to grade and ability level course work

-       Writing: Topics related to reading texts

Course Outline and Learning Objectives

Units of Instruction and Objectives

The students will show growth and development and mastery of these skills based on their percentage listed in their goals of their IEP.

-       English/Language Arts (Reading and Writing)

o   Students will draw upon a variety of strategies to comprehend, interpret, analyze, and evaluate what he or she reads.

o   Students will demonstrate the use of graphic representations to organize events logically.

o   Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze the main idea, underlying themes, and author’s point of view.

o   Students will read for periods of time for pleasure and enjoyment.

o   Students will correctly use supporting details, description, ideas and flow to write descriptive paragraphs.

o   Students will proofread, punctuate, revise and publish work.

-       Math

o   Students will learn basic facts on ability and grade level

o   Students will learn to solve multi-step problems

o   Students will set up and solve word problems

o   Students will interpret graphs, data, algebraic expressions and information

 Grading Scale

A       91 – 100

B       81 – 90

C        71 – 80

D       61 – 70

F        Below 60

Grading Criteria

Grades in my class will be based on a multitude of facets.  Grades will be recorded for progress reports and report cards and given to regular education teachers to be sent home as specified by the district calendar.

Missed/ Make Up Policy

It is understandable that students may miss class from time to time.  It is important to value class time and be in attendance as much as possible. I aim to make class fun and enjoyable for all students.  In the event a student misses class it is their responsibility to ask what they missed and how it should be made up. I expect any make up work that is due to be turned in 5 days after the last absence.

Expectation of Student Behavior.

Classroom Rules

The following rules must be followed to ensure a smooth classroom for all involved.

1.  Respect others

2.   Respect yourself

3.  Respect property

These classroom rules were discussed and agreed upon by all students on the first day and will be discussed throughout the year.

We also have a school-wide leveled behavior system. Everyone starts on the middle level and have the opportunity to move up levels during the class period. Students can also move down levels, but will always have the opportunity to move back up.

Classroom Rewards

When students choose to do the right thing, they are rewarded- You Deserve It!  The following offers suggestions for rewards for students individually and as a class.  Other options will be considered after teacher permission is granted.  This is the student and teachers classroom; therefore all opinions are encouraged.

1.  Verbal praise (privately or in front of class depending on student)

2.   Move up a level in the behavior management system

3.  Physical praise (smiles, “thumbs up”, pat on back)

4.  Note/phone call home

5. Treasure box

6.  Extra Technology Time

7.  Free time to read, draw

8.  Teacher helper

9.   Other as previously agreed upon by administration and teacher

10.             Display projects in library or hall way


If for some reason students make the choice not to obey the classroom or school rules the following hierarchy will be enforced.

1.  Verbal reminder/warning.

2.   Move down a level in the behavior management system

3.  Change in seat/location

4.  Conference between student and teacher

5. Silent lunch or walk laps at recess

6.  Contact Home.

7.  Referral and contact an administrator


If for any reason a student chooses to disrupt the learning and teaching in my classroom by either fighting, using vulgar language, or other uncontrollable disruptions the following action will be used: Call for administrator and a written referral.



1.  Entering/ Exiting Classroom- Students are to enter the room quietly at a level 0. Students should sit in their assigned seat and sit to wait for instructions. To leave the classroom, all materials must be properly put away, the students’ desk area must be clean and the student must be quiet.  The teacher dismisses the students.

2.   Hall Behavior- Restroom, water, nurse, counselor, library etc- Students are expected to have self-control and stay at 0 voice level when appropriate, staying quiet and on the right side of the hallway.  All passes must include destination, date, name, time, and teacher signature

1.  Restroom breaks are built into the regular school day routine and have a designated time for use. Only in extreme circumstances will students be allowed to use the restroom during classroom instructional time.

2.   A pass to the nurse is required for entry. Unless you have to take medication at a particular time or it is an emergency, you need to go to the nurse between classes or at lunch.

3.  Counselors work on an emergency basis.  Therefore unless you have an emergency you need to make an appointment with them and bring the teacher the appointment slip

3.  Pencil Sharpener- The students are allowed to sharpen pencils, as long as it does not disrupt the learning environment.

4.  Class Work-

1.  Daily work is due at the beginning of class or when called for.

2.   Finishing work early is exciting, yet no talking will be permitted. Students must either continue working on another assignment or read silently at their desk.

5. Passing papers in- Papers will be filed in a file folder with the student’s name on it.

6.  Drills- Students must follow proper procedure which is outlined in the first week of school and monthly thereafter.  Students are to conduct themselves in a calm, orderly fashion (refer to hallway behavior), at 0 voice level.

7.  Attendance- Attendance is taken daily

8.  When visitors enter the room- Students are to remain focused on the work at hand. Students are not to talk to their neighbors or cause disruptions while visitors are in the room.