Weekly Assignments

Office Hours:  11:30-12:30 PM

Google Classroom

Please check Google Classroom for daily assignments. Each assignment is due on the day it is given unless it specifically states it is homework.

Students that are home for eLearning are expected to complete the assignments for each day.


We are in school 5 days a week. Should students miss school for medical reasons, they need to bring a  medical note. If students require a Google Meet, please log on to Google Classroom for more information or email lymoore@greenville.k12.sc.us to schedule a Google Meet during my Office Hours.

Absences are excused the following reasons:

All other notes and excuses will count against a student's attendance. To receive credit towards graduation, a student needs 180 days of "seat time" within a class. There are 5 days that can be excuses for any reason, but after 5 a student must show a medical note, a COVID-19 excuse, or a bereavement note. To find out more about attendance, please contact the front office.

Current Unit of Study - Fisher Writing

Writing and Syllabication

Argumentative Writing

Students are given several prompts to choose from, and need to choose a side (pro or con). After, they will make a thesis statement that states their reasons for their side. During this unit, they will craft a five paragraph essay that uses evidence to support their claim, and provide a paragraph that concedes to the other perspective.

Classes will use the high school model of writing, which is getting them college and career ready. We will focus on using the Schaffer Model of writing, which incorporates evidence in the form of quotes.


In this part of the class, students learn about phonology and morphology. Sylllabication is the process of dividing and forming words into syllables. They will learn how to break words apart using the different syllable types. This helps students to later incorporate the spelling rules, and spell using context for academic content. 

Sequence of Instruction for Older Students

Teaching Non-Phonetic Words

Non-phonetic words do not follow regular spelling or pronunciation rules, thus we are not able to pronounce or spell them the way they appear. We will learn special strategies to help us recall with fluency on how to spell and pronounce these words.

General Rule:  Student says LETTER NAME while writing the LETTER. Students do this at least 3 times. Students then uses these new words in subsequent spelling, reading tasks, or writes something on his/her own.

Current Unit of Study - GEC

This first module introduces you to yourself.  Module Overviews are provided at the beginning of each of the 18 modules for this course. These overviews will provide you with a "bird's-eye view" of the activities and resources to be utilized in each Module and should be reviewed prior to beginning the learning activities each week. 

Week Objectives: