Mrs. Welkner's ELA Immersion Class

Please visit your google classroom for lesson plans and assignments.  Parents please contact me if you have not been added to your child's google classroom.

Parents, please contact me if you have not been added to your child's google classroom.

Grade Coding Explanations

GFA = Grade Floor Applied

Your child showed mastery on less than 50% percent of the information being assessed.

NHI = Not Handed In

Your student has not turned in this assignment.

Contact Information

Contact Information:


Monday- Friday Daily Schedule

1st- 8:30 - 8:55- Advisory 6 Imm 

2nd- 8:57- 9:55- ELA 6 Imm

3rd- 9:57- 10:55- ELA 6 Imm GT

4th- 11:0- 12:29 - Planning

5th- 12:39-1:27- Planning

6th- 12:34- 2:14 - ELA 7 Imm GT/Lunch

7th- 2:16- 3:15 -ELA 7 Imm